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The Gryphe were a tribe of Ildsif that resided in the plains of the Skyrealm, though they were capable of traversing great distances on their swift wings for the purposes of hunting. Unbonded Gryphe frequented the plains surrounding their social hub, Gryphe'ika. Bonded gryphes were wider ranging, following the creature that imprinted on them until death, in which case they would watch over their grave, leading to their nickname as ruin keepers.

Physical Qualities

The Gryphe people, while not capable of true shapeshifting, could transform between a quadruped and bipedal form unique to each person.   Their quadruped form was that of a gryphon, though the apparent species, coloration, and patterns of both avian and feline parts varied from individual to individual.   In their bipedal form, they resembled most humanoids, though they retained their feline tails, elongated talons, feathered ears, and keen eyes, as well as a pair of extra winged appendages around their hips.   In both forms, they were incredibly strong and hardy, even more than their typically athletic and toned appearance would suggest. At the cost of their magical capabilities being slightly lesser to other tribes of Ildsif, they possessed augmented physical strength and endurance and were capable of extended flight and strife.   Gryphe reach maturity at a human rate, though their expected lifespan is significantly greater. Because most Gryphe fall in battle, their maximum life expectancy is unknown, though they are believed to be immortal.


Gryphe are carnivorous, and get their nutritional needs through the meat they consume. They do not shy away from eating other sentient creatures, though most members of their society draw the line at other spoken Ildsif . They hunt when they are hungry, rarely ever conserving food, though they do keep some species in captivity.   While they live in a tribal society, most Gryphe are aloof and solitary, preferring lonely peaks and abandoned Nvaonese ruins. Though the details of the cause are a subject of fierce debate, the Gryphe believe their tribe to be cursed to pledge their undying loyalty to the first non-Gryphe they meet eyes with. As such, they cover their unbonded's faces, especially their young, with colorful patterned sheer veils, that others might not be able to look at their eyes.   Like most Ildsif, Gryphe mate for life, and follow seasonal reproductive cycles revolving around pheromones and courtship rituals. Gryphe are typically impressed by bright, bold colors and combative prowess, as they desire a mate that can gather and protect interesting artifacts. A drop of kindness to a Gryphe will be repaid by an ocean of loyalty. Gryphe usually expect the bare minimum from their partner; as such, any act of kindness to them is seen as a dramatic gesture. Many Gryphes are prideful creatures, and enjoy bringing their partner impressive treasures / amounts of food in exchange for compliments. They are also deeply (and dangerously) jealous beings. Because bonded Gryphe devote so much time to their imprinted partner, they hardly have time for relations with each other. As such, births are incredibly rare in their culture, and typically occur between the unbonded members of their tribe when they gather in Gryphe'ika.  


As carnivorous Ildsif, Gryphe commonly eat other species, including the Nvaonese. They are aloof and maintain a distance from others, usually to avoid them imprinting on them, which many free-spirited Gryphe see as shameful.   An exception to this can be made with House Lethe, which the Gryphe have historically allied with. Their magical prowess finely compliments the physical strengths of the Gryphe, and their longevity and resilience means that Gryphe do not have to worry about their partner dying for some time. Though it is troubling for them to travel to the Deeprealm where the Lethe reside, a few select members of the Gryphe frequently accompany the Lethe as their faithful vassals.   Hoping to exploit this trust, the royals of Nvaon attempted to enlist their aid in wiping out the Lethes; upon the Gryphe's refusal, their kind was cruelly exterminated. Although some far-off individuals survived, most were bound to certain territories with no inclination of leaving, and thus their species died off slowly due to a lack of mated pairs.  

Notable Gryphe

Average Height
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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