Defense of Bonmalo

The Defense of Bonmalo was a series of battles in 5A 050 between raiders from the northern Wild Lands and the militias of the Halfling Fields, culminating in the siege of Bonmalo.   It is believed this may be the origin of the popular folk tale The Fox of Bonmalo. Additionally, it is one of the factors behind the Kingdom of Endor's founding of Fort Johanna on the border to the Halfling Fields.

Known Events

North Sea Storm

Raiders from the northern Wild Lands encountered a raging storm in the North Sea. They were blown from the coast of Burland, the Kingdom of the North, far westward into the Black Sail Sea.   These raiders found themselves on the coast of the Halfling Fields. The halflings of the region did not have armies, instead preferring to avoid combat and relying on lightly armed groups of militia to defend against monsters and other threats.

Raiding of the Vidu'thin River

The halfling militia were ill-prepared to face the experienced and battle-tested raiders, who sailed their longships up the Vidu'thin River to attack the farms, fields, and communities along the river. The raiders followed the river eastward, eventually reaching the city of Bonmalo.   Word was sent southwards at great haste to the Kingdom of Endor, seeking immediate aid. When word reached Endor, the First Mountain, a regiment of the Gromril Army was dispatched to relieve them.

Siege of Bonmalo

The settlement of Bonmalo was surrounded and besieged. Hope was not high, however, due to the great distance and the degradation of the old roads between the Halfling Fields and Endor.   However, on 10 Magan 5A 050 a single, unknown warrior somehow entered the camps of the raiders. The identity of the warrior was not known, but witnesses spoke of a lithe figure seemingly appearing out of nowhere and fighting with the dexterity and agility of a fox.   This warrior challenged the leader of the northmen to single combat. Stories of the duel say so soundly was their leader defeated and slain that the rest of the northmen lost all desire for battle. After the battle, the unknown warrior disappeared as suddenly as they had arrived.

Search for the Hero

By the time the regiment from the Gromril Army arrived, the forces of the northmen had already been routed to their longships and fled back to the sea. The defenders of Bonmalo were equally surprised at the sudden withdrawl.   There was a strong desire to seek out and find the unknown warrior that saved them, however they were never found. Those attempting to follow the trail found only faint, disappearing tracks leading to one of the sigil standing stones found in the foothills to the south.   The region started its recovery in the wake of the raids, and the damage to Bonmalo and the surrounding regions was repaired.


  • The siege of Bonmalo was one of the contributing factors to the establishment of Fort Johanna, which was completed in 5A 100.
  • A festival is held yearly in Bonmalo on 10 Magan 5A 050, the anniversary of the final duel of the conflict.
Conflict Type
Start Date
5A 050
Ending Date
10 Magan 5A 050
Vidu'thin River

  • Leader of raiders defeated in single combat.
  • Northmen raiders retreat back to sea.

Major Battles
  • Siege of Bonmalo

Major Combatants
Wild Land raiders

Defenders of Bonmalo

Bonmalo militia
Gromril Army
Unknown warrior