Fort Johanna

Fort Johanna is a walled military outpost on the border of the Kingdom of Endor and the Halfling Fields.   It was founded by the Kingdom of Endor to better aid the lands of Central Endor against encroaching threats after events in the early Fifth Age involving the Defense of Bonmalo and the Tribe of the Golden Fur.


Fort Johanna is a walled military settlement. It has an outer fortified wall constructed with multiple towers and parapets. The tops of the battlements have patrol routes allowing line of sight over the few farms and fields that sit outside the fort's walls. Outside the wall are a small number of low-built structures, single-story huts and houses, and barns surrounded by fences.   There is a market present inside the walls of the settlement. Some honorariums were erected late into construction.   A permanent detachment of the Gromril Army is stationed here and is charged with the defense of the region.


A permanent detachment of the Gromril Army is stationed here. The population is mostly dwarves, however a small number of halflings from the Halfling Fields to the north reside here as well.  

Notable People

  • Dulimund Dourwrek: Dwarf cleric
  • Kurn, Son of Vaka: Orc Fieldhand


Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Construction on Fort Johanna began at some point after the Defense of Bonmalo and the events involving the Tribe of the Golden Fur, which occured around 5A 050.   Many were involved with the construction, including Gertrude Oathenhammer. Fort Johanna was officially completed around 5A 100.   On 2 Madaet 5A 352, the Lost Vessel Seekers arrived in the outskirts of Fort Johanna on their way to Red Rocks. Here, they helped Dulimund, a dwarf cleric, and Kurn, an orc fieldhand, who was wounded by an owlbear. They stayed the night in the farmhouse of the sheep farmer Kurn worked for. While they continued on, their driver, Andinir stayed in Fort Johanna until they returned.
Founding Date
5A 100
Outpost / Base
Owning Organization
Central Endor   Continent
West of Gimora Mountains   Plane
Material Plane