The Fox of Bonmalo

The Fox of Bonmalo is a collection of halfling folk hero stories that became popular in the Fifth Age. The stories are based on "the Fox of Bonmalo", a heroic figure in halfling fables.


The tales focus on the escapades and adventures of the titular character, "the Fox of Bonmalo". In the original folk tales, they are portrayed as a clever hero that overcomes the odds to win the day, often saving someone or something in need. Though their motivations are unknown, the actions taken by the Fox often result in close calls, dynamic heroism, and engaging battles. Ultimately, the Fox succeeds in both saving the day and accomplishing their unknown goals.   The Fox of Bonmalo has also been adapted into a best-selling series of childrens' books by Arina Greenmouse. In this series, the Fox is portrayed as a small, cartoonish fox character, often adorned with a sly mask. Though the content of these stories tends to be similar to the folk tales, the density of the plots are lightened and the themes are aimed towards teaching morals to children. The series is very popular with halfling families.

Historical Context

It is believed the Defense of Bonmalo may be the origin of the Fox of Bonmalo folk tale.   Early in the Fifth Age, the city of Bonmalo was beset by northern raiders. Word was sent southwards to the lands of Endor, the First Mountain, seeking immediate aid.   However, by the time the regiment from the Gromril Army arrived, the raiders had been routed and had fled back to the sea. The defenders of Bonmalo were equally surprised at the sudden withdrawl. Stories tell of a single warrior that defeated the leader of the northmen in single combat, and with their victory the remaining raiders retreated.   Since that time, other sightings of a similar figure had been claimed across Gimora, though, true to the tales, the Fox would never stick around to be identified.   It is unclear if the Fox of Bonmalo was ever an actual person or if the actions of multiple people may have been attributed to them, if the events in these stories ever happened at all.


There are seven books in the popular children's series, which are each based on the original halfling folk tales:  
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Northern Raiders
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Cauldron Pass
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the River Run
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Gilded Gnoll
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Undercity of Endor
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Black-Sailed Ship
  • The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist

Known Readers

  • Releg Cirin was familiar with the Fox of Bonmalo stories.
  • Demitri found and took an old copy of "The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist".


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Early in the Fifth Age, the Defense of Bonmalo took place. It is believed this may be the origin of the Fox of Bonmalo tales. Several sightings of a similar figure have been claimed since this battle.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, Releg Cirin mentioned these stories when talking with Tanya Applebough about halfling heroes.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri found an old copy of "The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist". The copy had been left in an old manor used for storage in the Hero Hunters Facility in Porgorag.   On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri left the copy of "The Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist" as an offering to Morounin, The Learned-Lady, at the Augurs of New Keeleon.
Date of Setting
Early Fifth Age