Irina Ozero

Human Knight and General

Irina Ozero was a historic human general who led a victorious campaign during the Founding Conflicts in Iluvitar during the Third Age. Her military victories opened the way for humans to rise to dominance in the region and for the founding of the Kingdom of Santeem.



Irina Ozero was a tall and proud female knight. She wore a silver pointed helmet with connected chainmail drapery that hung across her neck and shoulders. Her plate mail was heavily polished, and over this was a white surcoat.   She wielded a kite shield and a long sword. The few existing depictions of Irina show her holding a large war banner.


Irina was a strong military commander, and she showed strong skills in tactics and command. She was described as proud, confident, and sly. She was also seen to be morally gray in her actions, willing to do whatever necessary, or make whatever sacrifice, to claim victory in the field.   As the military commander in charge of the Founding Conflicts, Irina presided over many of the cruel actions taken against the native peoples of Iluvitar. Human histories often call her a hero, and while some surviving stories from the desert peoples and Gnome Lands show her as a tyrant, she was undoubtedly important to the history of the region.


At some point in the Third Age, Irina Ozero became aware of Daedra Sen, who had attained some level of renown for her bloody and ruthless actions. Irina's charisma eventually led Daedra to follow her, though their relationship was strained and tenuous.   As part of the Founding Conflicts, Irina and her forces led a successful campaign in Iluvitar. Irina's forces battled with the gnomes and desert peoples of the land. These were bitter conflicts of interest that resulted in much bloodshed.   At one point during these conflicts, Irina's forces, including Daedra, were ambushed and captured by the desert peoples. It was Irina that commanded a bloody prison break. During the escape, Daedra battled against the wizard leader of their captors.   Though it appeared that Daedra may kill the enemy wizard, the group's escape was not secured. As the only way the rest of them could escape, Irina make the decision to set the combatants on fire. The destruction caused by the blaze ensured their escape, and killed the wizard leader, but Daedra was killed in the fire, betrayed by her commander.   After her escape, Irina personally negotiated the terms of surrender of the now leaderless enemy.


Daedra Sen

Irina and Daedra had a strained relationship, which appeared to be very tenuous. Irina's charisma and leadership was enough to get Daedra to follow her, however it was less a partnership and more like controlling a beast on a leash.   After Irina's betrayal, Daedra would later call Irina a "rotten bitch," but she admitted she would have easily done the same to Irina were their roles reversed.

Character Information


  • Lake Ozero in western Iluvitar was named in honor of Irina.
  • Tears of Lake Ozero is a Santeem song which mentions Irina and describes her deeds during the Founding Conflicts.
Character Type
Non-Player Character

Current Status