Tears of Lake Ozero

Tears of Lake Ozero is a Santeemite song that tells the tale of Irina Ozero, a human knight from the time of the Founding Conflicts. The song also makes mention of Lake Ozero in western Iluvitar.   It was sung by Captain Levka Ruslan on 4 Adroth 5A 352, during the Santeem Republic aid caravan's journey south along the Orc Highway.


I heard a story once, of a proud and lovely knight,
Irina was her name and she had sailed abroad to fight,   Ri-ding across the desert, and charging through the fields,
The knight and all her warriors brought flame, and blade, and steel.   Iluvitar was taken, and the kingdom had been won,
Then the newly crown-ed king acclaimed all she had done,   Now tears fell on the desert, cold water for the trees,
On mountains wept, and water gathered in the brooks and streams,   Above the sky was crying, for the only people left,
Were those that now knew nothing of the sky god in his nest.   Ozero lake was filled, and Ozero lake was named,
The proud and lovely knight had justly earned a hero’s fame.
Manuscript, Musical
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth