Daedra Sen

Human Paladin, Oath of Vengeance, Soldier

"My deeds were done in the dark."
Daedra Sen was a human paladin who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions. She was played by L.M.   Daedra was a figure of the Founding Conflicts in Iluvitar during the Third Age. In these battles, she created much bloodshed. She was a tentative ally of Irina Ozero, the general who later sacrificed Daedra in a blaze of fire, allowing Irina to survive and continue the war.



Daedra was an average height human woman, with short cropped black hair that was cut jaggedly and strangely. On the right side of her face were severe burn scars, while the left side was unmarred. The burning also melted the many piercings in her right ear into a single metallic cuff.   She wore a large set of plate armor. Parts of the armor had been melted and fused in certain places from fire, but it did not appear to hinder her movement. She also had a massive glaive, which she wielded with ease.   She was seen covered in gore from her battles. Edern Hamme described her as, "terrible and frightening to behold."


Daedra was often dark and direct, and also somewhat intense. She had a pride in her actions and abilities.   She seemed to hold questionable morals, seemingly not concerned with her image or her actions. She admitted that she would have killed someone in the same way she had died, and also said that, "my deeds were done in the dark."   She relished and enjoyed combat. She was bloodthirsty and seen in a battle frenzy when fighting. In battle, she displayed little thought to anything but inflicting carnage around her.



In Daedra's youth, she saw both of her parents killed. At some point, in her anger, she vowed and oath of vengeance on the people who made her feel weak and powerless.   As she grew older, she attained some level of renown for her bloody and ruthless actions. She came under the notice of Irina Ozero, who's charisma eventually led Daedra to follow her, though their relationship was strained and tenuous.   As part of the Founding Conflicts, Irina and her forces led a successful campaign in Iluvitar. Irina's forces battled with the gnomes and desert peoples of the land. These were bitter conflicts of interest that resulted in much bloodshed.   At one point during these conflicts, Irina's forces, including Daedra, were ambushed and captured by the desert peoples. It was Irina that commanded a bloody prison break. During the escape, Daedra battled against the wizard leader of their captors.   Though it appeared that Daedra may kill the enemy wizard, the group's escape was not secured. As the only way the rest of them could escape, Irina make the decision to set the combatants on fire. The destruction caused by the blaze ensured their escape, and killed the wizard leader, but Daedra was killed in the fire, betrayed by her commander.

Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions

After Daedra's death, she reached Dynamia, the Plane of Strength. On the Infinite Battlefield, her soul spent many years fighting among the denizens of the plane.   In the fighting, Daedra was swinging her glaive in a battle frenzy. As the battles raged, a great, rhythmic thumping of steel echoed across Dynamia. A beam of bright light descended on Daedra, transporting her to the Hall of Champions.   As she gained her bearings, she saw she was joined by Karda Skullripper, Styrke, Galaduath Valaran, and Edern Hamme.   Among the statues in the hall, Daedra noticed the one for Irina Ozero. She glowered at it, and Edern asked if she knew her. Daedra said, "She’s the reason I’m here. Rotten bitch. I would’ve done the same though."   As they walked, they reached the end of the hall, where on a grand plinth stood Barduumus, The Battlelord. Daedra gave a warrior's salute and kneeled before him.   Barduumus wanted new champions to fill his hall. The group was charged to fight in the Steel Soul Arena, and Barduumus transported them again.  
Round One
After Barduumus told the group of the fight that awaited them, beams of light brought forth wyvern riders and war drakes.   As they appeared, Daedra rushed into battle. Two riders attacked her severely, and her wounds pulsed with poison. She attacked back eagerly, but she was forced back. Using a Misty Step, she moved away to quickly heal.   One of the riders chased after her. They traded blows, and with a Thunderous Smite she cut them down with her glaive. The bloodlust of Dynamia filled her with vitality, and she moved to attack the remaining riders. With the group, the riders were cut down, with Daedra claiming the last kill of the round.   With their victory, Barduumus congratulated them all and asked if they were ready for the next round. As the din of battle faded, they heard the approach of creaking wheels and the gnashing of metal scraping metal.  
Round Two
Digging up from the steel bottom of the arena, four dracotaurs armed with bows emerged. At the same time, moving through an opening of the outer walls, two steaming metal war machines piloted by kobolds chugged into the arena.   Daedra collided with a dracotaur with a holy Smite, and she beheaded it quickly in a shower of sparks and blood. Turning then, she rushed to join Karda as she held firm a charging war machine shooting fire at her. As Karda held it down, Daedra smashed it until the steam pressure exploded it to shrapnel.   As the rest of the enemies were killed, the second round was won. As they recovered themselves, Daedra said the fighting thus far had been fun.  
Round Three
Barduumus looked down upon them, saying, “Perhaps I have gone too easy on you.” He slammed his tail and the ground began to rumble and shift, erupting in a field of weapon spikes. Daedra jumped to the central glyph; then, flying celestial creatures descended from the sky in beams of bluish light.   Daedra battled with the Planatar in the center glyph, but to little effect against the celestial being, and the planatar drove its greatsword through Daedra. She healed herself as the group ground down the planatar and devas.   As the enemies dissolved into blue sparks, the solid steel ground returned. The group healed and recovered, and Edern cast a healing spell on Daedra, but all were starting to run out of resources.  
Round Four
Barduumus called for the next round, and a mithril wyvern crashed like a meteor into the arena. As the dust settled, they heard the movement of the arena’s statues as they animated and also stepped into the field.   The terrifying wyvern lunged towards Karda. Daedra rushed to pile on, but the central glyph sent a powerful shock of necromantic energy coursing into her, leaving her barely standing. A wingbeat from the wyvern scattered Daedra to the ground, and its smashing tail nearly killed her outright.   After the wyvern was felled, Edern reached her and cast a healing spell, and stood back up on her feet. They rushed the encroaching statues, but they had a magnetic energy to them, and Daedra’s weapons were pulled from her grasp. They crumbled all four statues to ruin, she reclaimed her weapons, and the fourth round was won.  
Round Five
From the sky, a massive archangel entered the arena. A single, massive eye suspended in the rings regarded the group. Silently, it expanded its many wings and began to attack.   Galaduath called out to Daedra, “Are you with me or are you against me?” She said she wanted to kill this angel, and Galaduath cast Polymorph on her, changing her into a large predatory dinosaur. She charged forward and bit onto the angel’s rings, but to no effect.   Her reptilian mind could make no sense of it and she stayed close to the creature, and as the spell was broken by Styrke, the angel released a divine burst of energy all around. Daedra was consumed in the blast, dissolving into sparks with the damage of a final Bolt of Law.


Irina Ozero

It was Irina Ozero who brought Daedra into her forces and led her during the Founding Conflicts. Irina's charisma led Daedra into following her, but their relationship was strained and tenuous. Irina need to keep Daedra under control and used Daedra's bloodlust during their battles.   After they were both captured, Irina chose to sacrifice Daedra to kill the wizard leader of their enemy, betraying her as the price to ensure their escape.

Character Information


During the Founding Conflicts, Daedra developed a reputation for her bloody and ruthless behavior. The conflicts would be a victory for the humans settling in Iluvitar, and the stories of the bloody nature of the fighting would go on to affect relations between the races there into future ages.


  • "She’s the reason I’m here. Rotten bitch. I would’ve done the same though." - AA 04.1
  • "No, my deeds were done in the dark." - AA 04.1
  • "I’m sure the tales they tell [of me] are those to frighten children." - AA 04.1
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Date of Death
Mid Third Age
Circumstances of Death
Killed during the Founding Conflicts
Place of Death
Flat Peaks Desert