Dynamia, the Plane of Strength

Dynamia, or the Plane of Strength, is one of the Divine Planes of Azimuth. Its alignment is lawful evil, and it is home to Barduumus, The Battlelord.


The ground of Dynamia is formed of rubble, rock, or stone in dusty oranges, reds, and ochres. The layers of material seen are uneven and at strange angles. The ground is hard, almost to the density of metal.
  The sky is cobalt and celadon blue, which continues to shades of azure and violet. In the sky are large silverine shapes which appear to be heavy and dense clouds.
  The scent of metal pervades the area, bringing the taste of copper on the air. There is a pervasive red dust thought to be from oxidized iron or from the blood of the combatants of the plane.
  Dynamia is an afterlife realm that sould may travel to after passing on from the Material Plane. While on Dynamia, these souls are affected by the special properties of this plane. If slain, at the next dawn, a soul is resurrected to continue fighting. Should an enemy be slain by them, their vitality may be restored by the bloodlust effects of Dynamia.
  These souls may not know rest, but the souls held in this plane are reinvigorated with battle. Strong warrior souls can maintain their focus and resolve. Those weak in their convictions or those that get lost here through repeated deaths, become lost to the battlefield, spirits destined to forever engage in endless battle.

Notable locations

The Infinite Battlefield

Uncountable warriors from every race and period of Azimuth’s history battle in a great field taking up the majority of the plane's realm. There is little order to these battles, which range from unending duels to grand engagements between armies of allied warriors who fight and die and fight again. There is always the sound of the next battle within earshot.

The Hall of Champions

The Hall of Champions is a vast hall of shining metals, which holds grand solid steel statues of great heroes and combatants from seemingly every race and time, both known and unknown. These halls of renown lead to a single, grand plinth at the center, where Barduumus sits and observes the battles of Azimuth.

The Steel Soul Arena

Barduumus' personal combat stadium is known as the Steel Soul Arena. It is a huge metal construction fully under his domain, and at his will can be filled with creatures, enemies, and combatants to fight at his design.



The Second Age: The Age of the Severance
Among the floating essence of the Outer Planes, echoes of what was there before the Severance still lingered, so powerful were those that had occupied this space. These echoes heard the prayers of the mortals of the Material Plane, and flowering from the seeds of the divine left behind by the gods of the Age of Creations, new energies began to coalesce. Emergent from the formless Astral Plane were born eight new beings, given form and function by the faiths of the mortal races and beasts, and the realms of the Divine Planes formed around them.
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Unknown Year
At some point in the Fifth Age, Barduumus, The Battlelord, brought forth five selected souls: Daedra Sen, Karda Skullripper, Styrke, Galaduath Valaran, and Edern Hamme. They were charged to battle in the Steel Soul Arena for the chance of the honor of a statue in the Hall of Champions.
  5A 352
During the night of 3 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka battled a pack of metallic Guard Drakes in a strange dreamscape which resembled Dynamia in appearance. As he fell from a tall cliff, he viewed what appeared to be the Infinite Battlefield below him.
  During the night of 10 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka had another nightmare of the Infinite Battlefield. At the base of a tall cliff, he saw figures battling ahead of him. A human engaged him and killed Chaka with an axe, sending him from the dream.
  During the night of 14 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka had a dream of the Infinite battlefield. There, he fought against same human figure in strange, old armor. Chaka won the duel, and the energy of Dynamia filled him as the dream faded.
  During the early morning of 17 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka had a dream of the Infinite Battlefield. He climbed a great cairn of pilled metallic stones. As the summit, he could see far across Dynamia. He saw the Hall of Champions in the far distance.