
The Capital of the Theocracy of the Sea

Konenbur is the capital city of the Theocracy of the Sea, and is the dominant city in the Trident Coast region of the country. It is a bustling city and the head of the government for the Theocracy, as well as a major port for the country's military and navy forces. The very large docks see ships from many farflung ports from across Azimuth.   In the late Fourth Age, Konenbur was a large coastal city run by the former royal line of Konenbur, which has since been dissolved.



The population is largely human. Konenbur also has a sizeable elven and half-elf population, as elves are a common sight due to the proximity of Haradren Gaer Arnad.   The Iron Highway and the city's prominence as a port of trade brings in many other races to the city.  

Notable People

  • The Patriarch of the Sea, Grand Saint Guillaume Merforce: the current leader of the faith of Sehakora, The Maelstrom, and the leader of the Theocracy of the Sea.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes fled to Konenbur and met Leo, Captain of the Black Barrow. They negotiated passage on his ship, and they left, sailing south from the city's docks.
Trident Coast   Continent
Gimora Minor   Plane
Material Plane