Sacred Guardians

The Sacred Guardians are an order of elven protectors sworn to defend the World Tree. They are based in at the Monastery of the World Tree in Haradren Gaer Arnad, though their Guardians have been known to go wherever is needed in the course of their mission.


The World Tree was a gift to the race of elves and is said to be where all of elven heritage draw their long life. Many elves feel drawn to the World Tree, and it was for this reason that in the wake of the Severance, the elves took the defense of this holy place upon themselves, and the first Sacred Guardians swore their lives to this goal.   From their great hall in the Monastery of the World Tree, they work to preserve and protect the World Tree against any and all threats. Though the World Tree suffered in the past, and the great first city of the elves fell, still these guardians stand against these threats for the good of all elvenkind.   The threats the guardians face today are varied and wide-ranging. As their order has seen in the past, the times between the cycles of Esturk are equally dangerous, albeit in different ways. Those with ill intent may use the complacency of peacetime to threaten the World Tree, and even though Esturk, The World's End, slumbers, even a sleeping god may affect the lands around them.  


The Sacred Guardians are a longstanding order of protectors. They are the frontlines in the defense of the World Tree, and also its last line of defense. Those that take this course swear oaths in servitude to this goal, dedicating their lives to the cause. Family ties, romance, bonds of war, all else is secondary to the protection of the World Tree.   This is their core ideal, and they will severely deal with any threat, regardless of the source. This was seen in the Fourth Age when the Zenethian Heroes approached the World Tree. Though they were prophecized heroes, the Guardians did their duty and defended the World Tree against even them.   The order has shown a willing to work with trusted individuals outside of the Sacred Guardians, such as Celanoth Thoromel. They are also willing to send their Guardians across Azimuth to research or eradicate threats, though members of the Sacred Guardians are incredibly rare to see beyond the borders of Haradren Gaer Arnad.


The order is made of two ranks of members. The standard Guardians are the rank and file members of the cause, sworn to the defense of the World Tree. Through showing their dedication through great acts, the full title of Sacred Guardian can be bestowed upon a member. This full title is generally reserved for those seen as fully dedicated to the World Tree. The oaths and vows taken by the Sacred Guardians are binding and one must be fully ready to accept them, for there is no retracting it once it is sworn.   The leadership of the Sacred Guardians is comprised of the Elder Council. These wise elders have centuries of service and experience to pull from as they guide the order, as well as navigate the politics of the Undying Aristocracy. It is the Elder Council that perform the ceremonies and rites to bestow the rank of Sacred Guardian.


  • Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians: The Sacred Guardians have operated out their Hall in the Monastery of the World Tree since it was rebuilt in the late Third Age.

Notable People

  • Sacred Guardian Quarivon: Sacred Guardian Quarivon works dilligently to further the goals of the Sacred Guardians, willingly wading into the muck of Sorettan politics. Though Quarivon’s goals have not changed, the politicking of the Aristocracy and their elevated and public position has restricted them in other ways. With hands tied in ways they were not before, Quarivon instead uses the influence of their position in more subtle ways now in the aim of protecting the World Tree from physical corruption and potential scheming from within.


The Second Age: The Age of the Severance
It is said the ancient order of the Sacred Guardians was formed in the wake of the Severance by elves that swore their lives to the protection of the World Tree after the loss of the first gods.  
The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
In the middle of the Third Age, Esturk, The World's End, attacked Azimuth. His ire was focused on the three holy places of the world, and Esturk brought fire and fury to the World Tree. Great swathes of the branches and leaves burned in dark divine fire and segments were warped into iridescent glass. Many elves of Haradren were slain in the fighting, and the first city of the elves at the base of the tree was lost.   At some point after this, in the ruins of the lost city, Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians, was rebuilt. Over the next centuries, a town would slowly develop around it.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes came to the Monastery of the World Tree on their quest to gather the lost Zenethian Items. The Heroes battled through the Sacred Guardians who attempted to stop them and fought their way to the World Tree and ascended its boughs.   After they emerged from within the tree, the Heroes were swiftly arrested by Sacred Guardian Quarivon.  
Military Order
Notable Members