Celanoth Thoromel

High Elf Enchanter

Celanoth Thoromel, also known as "The Birdkeeper", is a high elf enchanter and merchant who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He owns the Phoenix's Flight enchanter shop in Calen Estel. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Celanoth is a male elf somewhere in his fourth century. He is fair skinned and has long, shining, elven black hair that extends to his waist. He wears a finely made, deep blue wizards jacket. The jacket is detailed in gold finery and has long sleeves that fall around his wrists. The back cape of the jacket reaches the floor. He wears black boots.   The magic that Celanoth wields is sparkling light and appears to be sigil-based, with spells forming circles with rosary-styled patterns.


Celanoth is a well-mannered and patient individual who is even-toned and calm. His voice is light and low.   He is resourceful and appears to be well-connected. This was shown by how quickly he was able to arrange for the Amarth'rilain to be supplied with additional items for the Santeem Republic aid caravan. He also knew where his contact Rudok was being held, even though he was only captured by the city's Cliff Guard that morning. However, he was unaware that a warrant for Rudok's arrest had been placed.   Celanoth appears to be very cautious. Before speaking with Ilmendwyth, he cast a Nondetection spell to prevent scrying. He also sent his owl familiar out after Ilmendwyth to watch his approach to Lothered's Lighthouse. Despite this caution, he also was quick to trust Ilmendwyth with details of his connection network, a trust he was quick to give due to their shared connection with Sacred Guardian Quarivon.   He seems to be cautious in his dealings with the The Rabble. This was seen by the use of a heavyily-coded language with his connection network. This was seen to not be taken well by every member Celanoth was in contact with. Rudok said he didn’t care for the coded language, or the phrase he was using often, “The eagle always faces forward”.   Celanoth also seems somewhat curious. When he noticed the divine magic on Ilmendwyth's token arrowhead, he stated, "It's going to bother me if I don't immediately ask about it."



Celanoth is originally from Haradren Gaer Arnad.   In 4A 995, he was a "young elf" around 50-years-old living in the capital during the time of the Zenethian Heroes, and during this time he heard about the Heroes' battle in the World Tree.   He occasionally returns to Haradren, most recetly "two decades ago", and met Ilmendwyth during one of these trips. Celanoth has some history with the Sacred Guardians and Sacred Guardian Quarivon.   Celanoth has a network of connections across the Queendom of Keeleon. He stated that "not everything these connections of mine deal with are fully legal".

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.3 - The Armarth'rilain
On 23 Madaet 5A 352, Ilmendwyth entered the Phoenix's Flight shop. Ilmenwyth met with him and cast a Nondetection spell before speaking with him. Celanoth was expecting Ilmendwyth and he informed Ilmendwyth about who he was, his network of connections, and that he required his aid to rescue Rudok from Lothered's Lighthouse. Celanoth provided what info he could to Ilmendwyth, provided him a less conspicuous set of clothes, and also provided him the coded language he and his contacts use.   By the time Ilmendwyth returned with Rudok, he was able to provide additional cargo to the Amarth'rilain and arrange for its transport to Porgorag. He thanked Ilmendwyth for his aid and he hoped this was the beginning of a good relationship between the two.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
On 3 Adroth 5A 352, Celanoth sent a message to Ilmendwyth, which asked after the "nest" Ilmendwyth was near. It also made mention that "that falcon was fluttering" and said he was working on it.   Ilmendwyth replied, saying, "the nest has been broken".  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
On 6 Adroth 5A 352, Celanoth sent a message to Ilmendwyth, saying, “Feather-on-the-Wind, no birds at my feeder, but that falcon’s flown away. Keep a birds-eye. Birdsong says raised feathers around dove events. They want their missing egg.”   Ilmendwyth replied back, saying, “We’ve flown the coop. There is a crow above, (and by crow, I mean eagle). No birds at my feeder.”  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Celanoth sent a tired message to Ilmendwyth, saying, “No birds at the feeder, no errands today. A raven nearby with an egg for you. Got a bird’s eye view, coming in for a landing soon, I hope.”   Ilmendwyth replied, “I saw a bird at my feeder today. And I’ll be running an errand.”  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Ilmendwyth received a satchel of panacea leaf from Rudok in New Keeleon. Rudok said this was sent to him via Celanoth.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
In the morning of 17 Adroth 5A 352, Ilmendwyth sent a message to Celanoth, mentioning Rudok and the panacea leaf. He said, “Genasi cult. Prophets of Regression are hunting Great Beasts to recreate Severance. Also, our raven might be a vulture. Might need a hood.”   Celanoth replied, “My ravens have been in my coop for some time. But, if you let me know which one is flying, I’ll check the season.”


Sacred Guardian Quarivon

Celanoth has some history with the Sacred Guardians and Sacred Guardian Quarivon. Celanoth knew enough about Quarivon to not be surprised that Quarivon sent the Amarth'rilain, a military vessel, to Calen Estel.

The Rabble

Celanoth has some connection to members of The Rabble in Keeleon. He indicated they referred to him as the "Birdkeeper" and Celanoth stated he had "a network of sorts of rookeries and nests" which he communicates with using sets of paired sendings stones. In particular, Celanoth has connections with Rudok, calling him "my dear friend" and asking Ilmendwyth to assist with his escape.

Character Information


On 23 Madaet 5A 352, Celanoth requested Ilmendwyth rescue Rudok who was being held at Lothered's Lighthouse. This was to recover the items Rudok had been carrying that were intended for Ilmendwyth.

Notable Items

  • Rovamel: Celanoth's familiar, a white barn owl. The name is elvish, meaning "Winged Friend".
  • Sendings Stones: Celanoth coodinates a number of sending stones through his various contacts across the Queendom of Keeleon.


  • "I’ve worked with the Guardians for a long time and Quarivon trusts me. I hope that you can too. I’m putting my trust in you by sharing all of this." - 2.0.3, said to Ilmendwyth during their first conversation.
  • "A military ship? Quarivon, that is… about as subtle as I expected…" - 2.0.3, said to Ilmendwyth during their first conversation.
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Around 404
Date of Birth
Around 4A 945
Current Residence
Ruled Locations