Captain Levka Ruslan

Human Fighter, Santeemite Soldier

"If I can do something about it I would be happy to do so."
Captain Levka Ruslan is a human fighter who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is an NPC played by M.B.   Captain Ruslan was the officer in charge of the Santeem Republic aid caravan sent to the Queendom of Keeleon in 5A 352. As the individual coordinating the caravan, he met the members of the Lightbringers early on at the start of their journey together. After completing the delivery to New Keeleon, Ruslan joined the Lightbringers on their adventure.    



Ruslan is a middle-aged human man in his early 30's. He has a soldiers build and is deliberate and confident with his movements. He stands a little over 6 feet tall, a bit tall for a human. His brown hair is kept longer and loose, just shy of shoulder-length. It is largely swept to one side and backwards, and it blends into his sideburns and beard and mustache, making a lion’s mane effect.   He wears a well-kept soldier uniform that is not new, but is kept very proper. He has grey slacks and black boots. He wears padded leather armor with a chain shirt beneath it, and there are bronze or brass detailings in various parts of the pauldrons and chest. The edges of a white tabard are visible underneath the armor. Over this is a long cloak of dull orange held by a clasp in the shape of the emblem of the Santeem Republic.   He is equipped with a cross guard spear that appears to be magical and a polished shield.


Captain Ruslan appeared to be tired or overworked. He spoke of being appointed to this position and taking it as a means to avoid dealing with the polical machinations of his homeland. He appears very self-aware of the political turmoil of his homeland, enough to be frustrated by it, but still displays a loyalty to his homeland and a belief that it can do the right thing.   When asked by Arwin why he stays in the military when there is so much political turmoil and lack of support for the aid caravan, Ruslan said it was difficult to see the race relations between humans and orcs in Santeem, and he wished to do something about it. The caravan was a way to do that, though he also alluded to his posting to the caravan being "political punishment".   Ruslan has a dry and somewhat dark sense of humor and seems to prefer asking his subordinates for assistance rather than directly ordering them.   While Ruslan seems comfortable in common, he speaks with a heavy Santeemite accent. He indicated that common is his second language, and his first is Santeemite.   He displayed a sense of caring about the wellbeing of others, shown when he took command of the Provideniye and directed it to aid the Testudo when their voyage took them near to Rune Pike.   He stated he did not like boats, and he wished for the voyage of the Provideniye to be completed quickly.   Ruslan stated that Avianor, The Timefather, had been good to him and his family. He was familiar enough with Avianor holy sites to have heard of the Cereus Compass in New Keeleon. He also did not seem to be a morning person, saying, "No one should be up before the sun." He seemed uneasy during rainstorms, saying they are bad omens to Avianor.   After he died and was revived by Mortimr on 13 Adroth 5A 352, he seemed more willing to stay with the party and felt like their goals were aligned.



Captain Ruslan comes from a military family in the Santeem Republic. He joined the country's military as an officer in the Rusguard.   At some point in his career, Ruslan was stationed near Frenor in eastern Santeem. Speaking to his commander, he suggested that goods from the aid caravan be distributed to the populace in Frenor who needed it. Ruslan said he was punished for this by receiving command of the 5A 352 aid caravan to be sent out of the country.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
On 18 Felim 5A 352, Captain Ruslan boarded the Provideniye and departed Port Surene.   By 2 Madaet 5A 352, Captain Ruslan arrived in Endor, the First Mountain, and began negotiating with dwarven guilds for trade goods. He prepared the crates and supplies to be sent via ship to Porgorag, and he began hiring mercenaries to work as guards for this caravan.   On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Ruslan met Arwin and Gertrude Oathenhammer at the Gate of the Maw. They joined the aid caravan and began assisting with the loading of supplies. The caravan then left to Endor Port and boarded the Provideniye. The ship then sailed westwards through the Dragon's Maw towards the Santeem Republic.   On 23 Madaet 5A 352, the Provideniye arrived in Port Surene where it began taking on additional cargo.   On 25 Madaet 5A 352, Ruslan met Demitri who joined the aid caravan. Ruslan gave a short speech on the main deck of the ship, and the Provideniye departed Port Surene southwards to the Leviathan Sea.   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Provideniye rounded Rune Pike, where they encountered the Testudo under attack by a flock of harpies. Ruslan ordered to the Provideniye to move to assist. During the battle, Ruslan was thrown into the sea but was able to return to the ship. After the battle, they continued sailing south.   On 1 Adroth 5A 352, the Provideniye arrived at Porgorag in the continent of Tarteria.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Captain Ruslan arrived at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag on the Provideniye. Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and documented the names of the other caravaners.   Ruslan and Borscha answered the party's questions, and Ruslan selected the eight members of the party, saying they seemed "a bit more competent." Ruslan asked them to look into and try to resolve the missing carriage issue before them, and said they could get away with 3 carriages, but 4 would be best.   During the meeting, he stated he was not aware of a wheel tax in Keeleon.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party returned to the Darksteel Foundry and provided Ruslan with an update on their activities. Romsca asked after an inventory of the goods in the caravan, which he was able to provide. He mentioned that he and Borscha had been unable to open a certain black box.   Ruslan then accompanied the party to the warehouse where they confronted the goliath who had been acting strangely.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Ilmendwyth first observed Captain Ruslan to gauge his reaction to the fight, noting he was hesitant but moved quickly to protect the members of the party and prevent damage.   Ruslan helped protect Romsca from some attacks, saying, "No fighting among party members here!" After he was punched in response, he then said, "Okay, maybe a little bit of fighting," and helped the party wear the goliath down.   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Ruslan informed the party the goliath’s name was Cirro. He also confirmed the black box was not a part of the original supply manifest for the caravan. As the party went to investigate the box, Ruslan stayed behind to guard the goliath with Vitibuk.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
After the black box was opened, Captain Ruslan and the party started asking Mortimr questions about the Tarterian Traders key.   After the events involving the green ring, the party elected to eat and rest before heading to the city’s sewers. Ruslan joined them as they grabbed a meal from the residence facilities mess hall.   As the party ate in strained silence, Ruslan attempted to break some of the tension. He shared information about himself and how he came to be on this caravan. He said he hoped they would still be willing to assist with the aid caravan, but he would understand if they needed to take extra time to help the city. He seemed to be trying to get the party to share details about themselves in return.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
Captain Ruslan joined the party before sunrise for a hearty breakfast supplied from the Foundry’s cafeteria. He seemed to not be a morning person. He told the group he would be up and ready for when the covered wagons would later arrive, and would make sure the other members of the caravan would help get the wagons loaded and ready while the party ventured into the sewers.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
On 3 Adroth 5A 352, three covered wagons arrived at the Darksteel Foundry. Ruslan directed the loading of the goods into these wagons.   Romsca asked Ruslan if they could bring the orphans Godsguard Ankhan wanted to send south. Ruslan said he’d be happy to help if possible, but he was hesitant as they did not have spare room to transport them. They informed him they would likely leave in the morning, and Romulus helped load the last of the goods into the wagons.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
As the party regrouped, Ruslan asked if they were ready to go. Romsca said they still had things to accomplish and she was tired. She suggested they leave in the morning, and Ruslan agreed.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
In the morning of 4 Adroth 5A 352, Ruslan woke up the caravan escorts and prepared the covered wagons to leave. He led them through town to the south exit and paid the wagon wheel tax. After, he and the other caravan guards left Porgorag into the Northern Orcish Plains.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Ruslan and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Ruslan looked over his map from the Ritivan Cartographers Guild and said it seemed fine as a full continent map but didn’t seem to be very accurate on a local level. He asked Ilmendwyth if he was familiar with Tarteria, and they idly made conversation as they walked.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. After Ilmendwyth and Romulus returned with a wild boar and some edible plants, Ruslan helped Gertrude prepare a hearty meal for the group. Around the campfire, Ruslan asked if he could have some of Gertrude’s ale, which she shared.   Ruslan thanked Gertrude and said the group seemed to have some noticeable chemistry together, which no one commented on. Continuing, he said at least they seemed to work well together as a team. He joked some with Romsca before he headed to bed.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, Ruslan went about getting everyone up and going. Ruslan noted that the number of guards was fewer, noting that some were starting to leave. From Ruslan’s demeanor, it appeared he expected this to occur.   After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. When Ruslan offered greetings, the dwarf did not reply and averted his eyes from the group. Demitri said the dwarf appeared suspicious, and Ruslan agreed the dwarf was rude, and they watched the carriage continue on.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Ruslan joined playing the questions drinking game. During the game, Ruslan said the riskiest thing he’d done was talking back to his commander in the Santeem army. He suggested some of the upcoming caravan goods instead be given to the needy Santeemites in Frenor who could use it. Ruslan was punished for this by receiving command of the caravan to be sent out of the country.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
On 6 Adroth, Romsca asked if they could march at a faster pace today. Ruslan was hesitant and asked why. Romsca said it would be better to make up the time they had spent in Porgorag, and Ruslan agreed. He called out to the group and they set out.   While walking, Ruslan made idle conversation with Ilmendwyth. He asked if it was difficult for the elf to be so far from Haradren Gaer Arnad, and Ilmendwyth replied that it was. Ruslan asked if that was why he had stepped away earlier, and Ilmendwyth said it was a trinket to remind him of home.   Ilmendwyth asked if Ruslan planned to return home after the caravan, and he said yes, but would take his time doing so. Ruslan asked the same of Ilmendwyth, and the elf said it would depend on what other work was to be done afterwards.   The next day on 7 Adroth, Ruslan appeared unease in the rain. Ruslan asked Romsca if she still wanted to go at a faster pace, and she said no and shared concerns about the state of the road in the rain.   That evening, Ruslan called for camp near an old battlefield. Ilmendwyth recommended that the guards avoid wandering to hunt, and Ruslan called to distribute rations.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Ruslan was awoken by the group, and Gertrude explained they had captured a young half-orc bandit named Drok. They discussed what to do with him, and Ruslan left his fate up to the party.   When ghosts attacked the group, Ruslan was alerted by Ilmendwyth’s whistle. Ruslan called out to Romsca, saying, “You take this half, yes? We need to get to the other side.” Ruslan grabbed Chaka and Mortimr and they rushed towards the far side of the caravan.   Ruslan was frightened of the ghastly visage of the ghosts, but he attempted to keep the other guards from fleeing, saying, “Hold the line! Stay back!”  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
As they traveled, Ruslan thanked Ilmendwyth for the group’s efforts in the ghost battle. He also asked the elf about Arwin and Demitri after the aging effects became apparent.   Ruslan was concerned what travelers they meet in the road would think of Drok being bound. During the conversation, Ruslan said he couldn’t disagree with Romsca’s opinion that Drok would make a terrible soldier.   On the road, Ruslan called for the caravan to halt when Romsca heard the sounds of a Dire Pangolin in the grasses.   After the interaction with Lieutenant Vramas, Ruslan asked the party if they wanted to camp in Axe-Breaker Thicket or continue on, as they still had some travel time remaining. When they decided to stay, Ruslan called for camp.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Ruslan was getting the aid caravan ready to depart. Before the group spoke with Lieutenant Vramas about Drok, Ruslan asked them for clarification about their intended plans.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The caravan was attacked by tunneling ankhegs. Upon seeing the creatures, Ruslan called out to the caravan guards and moved to engage. When Romsca was knocked unconscious, Ruslan rushed to get close and battle the alpha ankheg.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Ruslan noted that Demitri was handling speaking with the Warden Rangers and chose to check in with the caravan guards and the party. Ruslan thanked them for their efforts against the Ankhegs.   In the morning, Ruslan informed the party how much farther they had yet to travel to reach New Keeleon.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
During the travel, Captain Ruslan was upbeat and jovial. He thanked the group for their efforts during the journey. Ruslan relayed their destination was Breakwater Keep in New Keeleon; Ruslan wanted to turn the wagons in soon, so they were not sitting around in the city, and they could all get paid.   As they reached the Cereus Compass, Ruslan seemed familiar with the shrine. He said he'd been looking forward to seeing it.   At Argil’s Gate, Ruslan spoke with the guards and paid the wagon wheel tax. He then asked for directions to Breakwater Keep. Just after midday, Ruslan entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
They reached the Breakwater Keep. Ruslan informed the soldiers they were the expected aid caravan, and they entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk.   Ruslan introduced himself. He provided the caravan manifest and the request for the payment. Rulla asked about Ruslan’s recommended hazard pay amount. Ruslan said they encountered difficulties on the road and asked the group to speak to the journey.   They were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment, which was brought and distributed shortly. Ruslan took the payment for the other guards who were waiting by the caravan in the bailey.   Back outside, Ruslan thanked the group for the journey. He said he was planning on staying at the Far Bar Inn for a few days. He asked about their plans in the city and said he hoped they would meet again soon.   Romsca said his company was good, but the journey was not. Chaka said, “It was nice to find another ally.”   Demitri shook Ruslan’s hand and said, “When you return to Santeem, make no mention of me, and stay as far away as you can from anything to do with, ANYTHING to do with, Adamski Sokolov, for your own sake.”  
Session 27 - River and Sky
In the evening of 12 Adroth, Ruslan was seen eating and drinking with Cirro and other members of the caravan guards.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Ruslan met the Lightbringers at the Far Bar Inn. He apologized Romsca wasn’t involved with turning in the wagons. He said because of a “Santeemite habit” he kept Romsca’s name off the caravan paperwork to limit who could be implicated if something went wrong.   Demitri asked to see Ruslan’s notebook, and he crossed out his name from it.   He again thanked the group for their efforts. Ruslan offered to buy them lunch as thanks. They planned to regroup at the Far Bar Inn for the meal later in the day.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
Ruslan arranged for a hearty, Santeemite meal for the Lightbringers, and they met him at the Far Bar Inn for lunch. Ruslan invited them to eat, saying he wanted to provide a “proper Santeemite goodbye, which is lengthy and requires a meal.”   Ruslan asked about their time in New Keeleon and shared some of the souvenirs he’d bought. Then, he asked more seriously about their efforts with their errands and the residuum ring. Ruslan offered his help, if they needed it.   He said he’d be in town for a few more days. Romsca offered Ruslan to stay at the Darksteel Foundry on his way back through Porgorag. Ruslan joked, saying Ambera scared him.   Arwin asked if he'd be able to deliver a message to Branca. Ruslan said that was unfortunately too far out of his way. He offered to take it as far as Endor, or to take the message anyway and leave it somewhere, but Arwin declined.   As their meal continued, city guards approached and presented paperwork asking Ruslan to be brought to answer questions. Ruslan placed gold on the table for the meal, and he said in Santeemite to Demitri and Mortimr, “I bet you anything this is about the manifest and that black box of yours.”   At the bailey of the Breakwater Keep, Ruslan was brought inside and placed into one of the holding cells. Ruslan sighed and asked for a place to sit.   Arwin and Gertrude met with him shortly. Ruslan said the guards placed him in a cell as the watchguard was out of the building. Suspicious, Gertrude promised they would not leave the keep until Ruslan was released. Gertrude said Ruslan was now a friend of her family, Clan Oathenhammer. Ruslan replied saying she was a friend of his family as well.   Ruslan asked to help Romsca not feel bad about this. He said this was why he kept only his name on the manifest. Gertrude said she was going to be upset no matter what.   After the Lightbringers arrived with Nalt Oknar Rulla and explained their suspicions, Rulla called for Ruslan to be released.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
At Nalt Oknar Rulla’s order, Ruslan was released from the holding cell. Ruslan asked what had been happening, and Rulla said she intended to find out by speaking with Watchguard Stuzrog.   Arwin said he was now a part of this and asked if he was comfortable joining them around the city. Ruslan said he was and wanted to find out what was going on with the watchguard.   The party regrouped at Victory Market, and they found the hidden door leading to Lortuk’s room. Most of the group went in. Chaka, Rosmca, and Ruslan remained outside. Chaka cast a magical hut in the alley and they watched the door from nearby. To pass the time while waiting, Chaka began to teach some painting skills to Romsca and Ruslan.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
While waiting, Chaka led Romsca and Captain Ruslan in creating artistic sketches. Captain Ruslan made a rendition of Rune Pike, with harpies flying.   In the alley, they overheard Shur talk with a concerned woman about faith. As they talked, the broken door again created a doorway, and the pair quickly left.   The party regrouped in the alleys. Arwin grabbed Ruslan’s art and said, “Such lovely workmanship.” Ruslan said it was his own fault if Arwin would be insincere in this way. Arwin laughed and said Ruslan should get a drink after the day he’d had.   Ruslan asked how the meeting with Lortuk went, and they shared their negative impressions of him. Ruslan asked if he could tag along, and the group invited him to join them in the city. Before leaving the Victory Market, they spoke to the merchants. Ruslan was concerned about returning to Far Bar Inn, but they decided it was still the best place to stay. In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, the group took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, Captain Ruslan went to Avianor’s shard. He made no offering but spent time quietly there.   They saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the riverbank nearby. They approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Ruslan resist the sonic croak and followed Romsca into the water.   A mudmutt moved after Gertrude, and Ruslan intercepted the attack. It focused on him instead, and with a savage series of attacks, Ruslan was hit down. In the waters of the river, Ruslan bled out and died.   Ilmendwyth and Chaka pulled Ruslan’s body to the shore. Chaka called out for help and everyone was alerted to Ruslan as his body bled on the ground. Arwin tossed one of his residuum arrows towards the body, saying, “Use it to save him!”   Mortimr reached him first. He put his hand on Ruslan’s chest. He called to the entity in his mind, and through him, it cast a healing spell. Arwin’s arrow was consumed in a pulse of rose-scented, pink energy that funneled into Ruslan’s body. In a moment, he awoke and coughed river water out of his lungs.   Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Romsca grabbed Nedurr by the scruff, and the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
The party fled to the Watermill Gallery. Ruslan trudged along, badly hurt and bloody. He muttered to himself, “Walk it off, soldier, walk it off…”   He checked that Gertrude and Mortimr were alright. Mortimr replied that Ruslan looked terrible. Romsca cast a healing spell on Ruslan, and Gertrude repaired his damaged armor. Ruslan said he wasn’t sure what happened, but he thanked the group for getting him out of the river. He said he had seen “pink wheat” after he was attacked by the mudmutts. Gertrude thanked him for interposing himself and said she was in his debt.   Argilla formally introduced himself and invited them to his home to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics. Ruslan sat heavily on an available chair, and rather quickly, Ruslan fell asleep while sitting.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Ruslan began to thank Mortimr again for saving him, but Mortimr interrupted him. Ruslan asked about the flower scents and the pink wheat he had seen. Mortimr replied to not think about it and gave him a cigarette.   Ruslan offered to help tailing Talmid. They set out into the city but couldn’t locate him. They learned the Commandment of Sky Guildhall appeared to be shut down.   To help Chaka, Mortimr asked Ruslan to run out and purchase coffee, and he returned with imported Endorian coffee.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Ruslan hadn’t slept well and appeared conflicted. He said, “You all helped me with caravan job. I’ve been feeling more and more like I want to stick around and help, if possible.” Demitri asked if his change of plans was a result of his death at the riverside.   Ruslan said that the group and their endeavors seemed more important than returning to Santeem. Demitri said Ruslan would be deserting the Santeem army. Ruslan didn’t think he’d be sorely missed but wasn’t sure how to tell his sister. Mortimr said sticking with them would be a good way to earn a wanted poster.   Gertrude said she had connections and could try to get Ruslan appointed by the church to her mission as a way for her to repay him for saving her and to avoid any trouble with the Santeem government. Ruslan agreed to help.   As they ate breakfast, Demitri brought him fully up to speed with the party’s actions, plans, and information. Ruslan wondered about the prophecies from Naran, saying to be careful. Ruslan took the rest of the morning to process the additional information.   When discussing the plan for the opening, Ruslan asked where he could be useful, and Romsca suggested outside with her carrying the group’s gear. He joked with her, which she said she didn’t like jokes.   At the gallery, Romsca and Ruslan moved off to wait north of the gallery with the group’s equipment. However, they were quickly approached by the patrolling guards and made to move farther back.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Romsca and Ruslan saw the fight at the gallery break out. Romsca gave Ruslan the group’s items and told him to get to the rest of the Lightbringers. He took the items and took off towards the building.   Ilmendwyth, Chaka, and Gertrude exited the building as Ruslan reached them, saying, “Ah good, you are all alive.” He started providing their gear. Mortimr gave Chaka’s painting to Ruslan to carry. Ruslan helped Gertrude to put on her armor faster.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Ruslan handed out gear to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves. Ruslan helped Gertrude equip her armor.   The party regrouped at the gate to the Catlinites and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. After dispatching sentries, they entered and found a hidden passage to the main guildhall.   In the guildhall, Ruslan said he’d stay behind to watch the exit, but when the cultists were alerted, he planned to trail back and get help.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Gertrude cast a Sending spell to Rulla and learned Ruslan had already informed her about the events at the guildhall, and they were quickly running on their way.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
After clearing the cultists from upstairs, Nalt Oknar Rulla, Ruslan, and several queensguard soldiers came down the passage to the Chamber of Titles. Ruslan appeared winded.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. After, the group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split the money from Al’phonas to the party, including Ruslan. Ruslan thanked him and said he hoped to be more useful in the future.   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.



Ruslan stated much of his family were also members of the Rusguard. Ruslan stated that Avianor, The Timefather, had been good to him and his family.   He has a sister in the Santeem Republic. She works with pottery of some kind. Ruslan said his sister was more artistic than him and spent time trying different methods for glazing effects.

Character Information


On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Captain Ruslan chose the eight members of the aid caravan and asked them to recover the transport carriages which were promised to the Darksteel Foundry, or to secure new ones instead.   On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Captain Ruslan led the aid caravan southwards along the Orc Highway. The group reached New Keeleon on 12 Adroth 5A 352.

Notable Items

  • Crossguard winged spear, magical.
  • Notebook with names of caravan members listed.


  • "Happy to do this job, I believe in cause, but this is not what I joined Santeem military for." - 2.0.1
  • "Caravan is important. In history of Santeem we fuck up. Royal family fuck up and then royal family die. But, it is... there is much tension in eastern Santeem. Much... not good race relations between humans and orc. Is difficult to watch. Difficult to see. If I can do something about it I would be happy to do so, and this caravan is way to do so." - 2.0.1
  • "I am happy to know that if I had somehow died, you probably would have seen [the caravan] done. […] Get body back home, probably not, but what can you do." - 2.25
  • "I can speak from experience; not all soldiers are good." - 2.27
  • "Santeemites should take care of ourselves, yes? Our government isn’t going to." - 2.33
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Early 30's
Date of Birth
Around 5A 320