Kivrian Yashelin

The Kivrian Yashelin people is the name given to the a broadly defined ethnic group comprised of any Yashelin individual who has chosen to live on the planet of Kivria rather than their native planet of Aravu. Some Kivrian Yashelin have chosen to live on Kivria, but the vast majority of them were originally forced to live there due to social unrest on their home planet. Regardless of how they came to live on Kivria, the fact that they continue to choose to do so is what ultimately defines and holds this group together.  


Beyond their shared allegiances to the planet of Kivria, each Kivrian Yashelin individual's lifestyle and culture may differ significantly from one another. They call vastly different regions and cultures home. Therefore, most Kivrian Yashelin people only refer to themselves as such when differentiating themselves from the Aravun Yashelin. Kivrian Yashelin typically identify themselves by their sub-ethnicity, which tend to be more relevant in their everyday lives.  

Sub-Ethnicities within the Kivrian Yashelin Community

The two largest sub-ethnicities of Kivrian Yashelin peoples are the Bes Yashelin and Havenite Yashelin peoples.  
The Bes Yashelin are primarily comprised of the Yashelin survivors of the Astris Genocide who escaped to the Bes Island Chain and founded the nation of Bes with their Bes Astris descendants.
Haven's Watch, meanwhile, is comprised primarily of Yashelin exiles from the Aravun Civil War. They typically live in and around Haven, but have a tendency to adopt any Yashelin they come across.
  A handful of Kivrian Yashelin individuals live outside of these two groups, but often gravitate towards one of the two major subgroups since they are often otherwise the only Yashelin in their area.  

Shared Heritage

However differently each Kivrian Yashelin person lives, they share an Aravun cultural heritage which brings them together as well as a second name. Unlike their Aravun Yashelin counterparts, each Kivrian Yashelin individual insists upon a second name. This second name is either given to them by their community or decided upon personally. It typically respresents a value or passion of the person in question. No Kivrian Yashelin shares the same last name, though some pass their second names down to their children akin to a last name.  

Kivrian Yashelin and Aravun Yashelin Relations

The relationship between the Kivrian Yashelin and Aravun Yashelin is often fraught. The Aravun Yashelin are fascinated and disturbed by the Kivrian Yashelin in equal measures. Most Kivrian Yashelin tend to avoid contact with the Aravun Yashelin, but those that do visit their native planet are often the subject of great curiosity, especially amongst the youth who do not recall the strife which caused many Yashelin to move to Kivria, and suspicion, especially amongst the adults who do remember and were sometimes the people exiling them.   Naturally, some Kivrian Yashelin peoples are more wary than others. Haven's Watch is the boldest of the Kivrian communities. Its members often trade with the Aravun Yashelin and some visit Aravu regularly, though certain individuals are required to be escorted at all times. Meanwhile, the Bes Yashelin avoid direct contact with the Aravun Yashelin as a rule.
Related Location(s)
Notable Sub-Ethnicities
Haven's Watch
Bes Yashelin
Notable Individuals
Ozim Laila
Areta Maikir
Lulu Shayera
Maran Vela
Hiko Inekiki


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