BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


BAROVIANS are born, live and die much like any other people. However, not all of them - only about 1 in 10, actually have a soul.   Those who do possess a soul are reincarnated when they die - or, at least, their soul is - and they remain trapped in Strahd's demiplane. It can take many years, often decades, for a soul to be reborn. Interestingly and strangely, Barovians that share the same soul, being reborn again and again over generations, tend to look alike. This is why STRAHD VON ZAROVICH is obsessed with IREENA KOLYANA; she shares the same soul as his beloved TATYANA.   Strahd needs a full population of loyal subjects in order to feed his ego. This is why his consciousness has created the soulless beings, the 'shells'. The two groups are physically indistinguishable from each other, although those with souls tend to be more outgoing and gregarious than their more sullen and compliant 'shell' counterparts. Barovians without a soul can experience fear but not laughter or tears. One thing's for sure; a Barovian wearing any form of colour or expressing themselves as an individual is one with a soul!   All Barovian women, whether they have a soul or not, can give birth. Souls are not inherited through blood or family ties; children with souls can be produced by parents without. Similarly, both parents having a soul is no guarantee that any offspring will do so too.   Strahd can (if he so wishes) feed off of those with souls; those without a soul provide him with no nourishment whatsoever.   IREENA KOLYANA and her brother, ISMARK KOLYANOVICH both have souls. So too do all VISTANI.   If Strahd is ever defeated, the MISTS OF RAVENLOFT surrounding his lands will fade away and inhabitants can leave Barovia. However, only those with souls can truly escape; the 'shells' would cease to exist if they left the realm.


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