King Alerik
King Alerik Einhaupt (a.k.a. The Ungovernable)
Alerik was acting viceroy of the new Oestmarken settlements in Aerelith under Duke Baderich of Oestmark. In 672, he declared himself King and his colonies independent from The Duchy of Oestmark. The war ended in 676 with the signing of the treaty of Halkirk; cementing Alerik's rule over the newly established kingdom of Moraulden.
Personality Characteristics
King Alerik of Moraulden rules the settled area of Aerelith from his manor in Lake Alistair. He is considered by his subjects as a just but ambitious benefactor. To his rivals, he is a a tyrant who would stop at nothing to bring all of Barovia to heel.
Current Location
Year of Birth
638 AoC
59 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
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