Order of the Sun

The Order of the Sun is a religious sect devoted to the sun god Sanshad. Diverging from The Timeway pantheon at the beginning of the Solanum dynasty reign and choosing to worship Sanshad as the "one true God". They have become the official religion of the Cymeki Empire, all major cities have at least a chapel dedicated to the faith.

Leaders are known as sun speakers, foreigners know them as Sun Priests or Crimson priests. Mostly female and usually cactacae, Sunspeakers go through rigorous training and must pass trials to test faith, strength, wisdom etc. All official events and ceremonies within the empire are usually presided over by a Sunspeaker who will open the event with a blessing ritual.

Those dedicated to the faith are known as Followers of the Sun, the devout gathering in chapels for Shunday mass each week. Orthodox communities in Shankell and Dreer Sambeer run volunteer shelters and food kitchens to help those in need and to spread their faith

May the sun always light your way

Religious, Organised Religion
Follower of the Sun
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations
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