Lord Percival Highgrove

Lord Percival Highgrove is a haughty and well-established nobleman residing in the opulent Highgrove Manor, renowned across the Span for his affluent art collection. An aficionado of the finer things in life, Lord Highgrove is a connoisseur of antiquities, paintings, and tapestries. His lavish parties and gatherings are graced with the presence of elite artists and collectors, where he flaunts his wealth and discerning taste.   However, his reputation bears a stain in the form of a bitter conflict with the talented bard, Quinn. This clash emerged over the acquisition of a prized tapestry known as "The King." Lord Highgrove, always aiming to add unique pieces to his collection, sought to purchase the tapestry from Quinn, who vehemently refused to part with his masterpiece.  

The Duke

In the bustling The Arcane Emporium managed by Jezara Mystborne, the group found themselves in search of specific items, including Tama's quest for a Pearl of Speech. Their shopping expedition took an unexpected turn when Otto, one of the party members, caught wind of a disturbance outside the shop. It was then that an eccentric noble, Lord Percival Highgrove, made a grand entrance, his flamboyant demeanor commanding attention. Highgrove was fervently interested in obtaining a bard's artistic creation held by the party, leading to an odd and amusing exchange. Quinn, with his knack for spinning bizarre tales, managed to negotiate a deal that secured an impressive 10,000 gold from Lord Percival's Arcturus guards.   That evening, the party indulged in a lavish dinner at The Guilded Gryphon, a luxurious establishment where illusionists crafted a mesmerizing ceiling, transforming it into ethereal and otherworldly landscapes. Otto generously arranged for two tables to accommodate their group. In an uncomfortable turn of events, they found themselves occupying a table that was previously reserved for Lord Percival, who openly displayed his contempt toward them upon being relocated.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
525 CY 71 Years old
Current Residence
Highgrove Estates
195 lbs
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