Marus Solstice

Marus Solstice hails from the prestigious House Solstice in the frozen northern city of Frostfall. Renowned for their mastery of magic and scholarship, the Solstice family expected Marus to follow in their footsteps. From a young age, he was immersed in the arcane arts, learning the intricacies of spellcraft and ancient lore. His family's grand library became his sanctuary, and he spent countless hours delving into tomes and manuscripts. Despite the cold, harsh climate of Frostfall, Marus found warmth and comfort in the pursuit of knowledge, developing a reputation as a prodigious scholar and mage.

His Calling

However, Marus's path took a dramatic turn when he received a vision from Pelor, the god of sun and healing. In the midst of a severe blizzard, he saw a radiant figure bathed in golden light, calling him to a higher purpose. This divine encounter shook Marus to his core, awakening a deep-seated yearning to bring light and healing to others. Compelled by this vision, he made the difficult decision to leave Frostfall and his family's legacy behind. Guided by Pelor's calling, Marus journeyed south to the city of Epoch, where the Bastion of Ascension, a revered temple dedicated to Pelor, stood as a beacon of hope and faith.

Current Life

Now residing in the Bastion of Ascension, Marus Solstice has embraced his role as a cleric of Pelor. He devotes his days to healing the sick and injured, offering solace and guidance to those in need. Marus is also a diligent scribe, using his extensive knowledge to transcribe holy texts and create powerful healing scrolls. His chambers are filled with both religious and arcane manuscripts, symbolizing the fusion of his past and present. Despite the warmth of Epoch, Marus never forgets his icy homeland, and he often prays for the well-being of Frostfall. His unwavering faith and commitment to Pelor have made him a respected and beloved figure within the Bastion and the city of Epoch.
Year of Birth
554 CY 42 Years old
Current Residence
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