
  Sage was born into a family of fighters, and from a young age, she showed a natural talent for combat. Her parents recognized her potential and enrolled her in a training program at a young age, where she met Rosemary. From the moment they first sparred together, it was clear that they were rivals.   Sage and Rosemary were both competitive and driven, constantly pushing each other to be better fighters. But their rivalry was not just about skill or strength; there was a deep-seated animosity between them that seemed to stem from something deeper.   When they were still children, Sage and Rosemary had a particularly intense sparring match. In the heat of the moment, Sage landed a blow that gave Rosemary a black eye and cut her cheek with a blunted sword. From that day forward, their rivalry escalated, fueled by a bitter resentment that neither could fully explain.   Despite their mutual animosity, Sage and Rosemary were forced to work together on a mission to protect their village from a group of raiders. They were assigned to guard the perimeter of the village and keep watch for any signs of danger.   However, their mutual hatred proved to be their downfall. In the middle of the night, Sage and Rosemary got into a heated argument, and in the heat of the moment, they both abandoned their posts to engage in a fistfight. By the time they were done, they had missed a crucial warning sign, and the raiders were able to sneak into the village undetected.   The mission was a failure, and their failure only deepened their hatred for each other. Despite numerous attempts by their families and trainers to reconcile them, Sage and Rosemary remained bitter rivals, never able to overcome the intense animosity that had developed between them.   As they grew older, Sage and Rosemary continued to cross paths on the battlefield, each determined to prove their superiority. Nothing had changed between them, and it seemed that nothing ever would. Even to this day, Sage and Rosemary remain bitter rivals, each unwilling to let go of the resentment and animosity that has defined their relationship for as long as they can remember.  


Sage is a driven and competitive individual with a strong will and a sharp mind. She is fiercely independent and confident, with a deep-seated desire to prove herself and succeed in her endeavors. Her bitter rivalry with Rosemary has fueled her determination, but also blinded her to the potential benefits of working collaboratively with others. As a result, Sage can sometimes come across as aloof or dismissive of those she deems inferior to herself.

Personality Characteristics


Sage wants more than anything to prove herself as the best fighter in her community and to earn the respect and admiration of those around her. She is driven by a deep-seated need to succeed and to be recognized for her skills and achievements. Her rivalry with Rosemary is, in part, fueled by this desire to prove herself as the superior fighter and to establish herself as a leader in her community.


Year of Birth
570 CY 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

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