Sir Reginald and Lady Viona

Sir Reginald


Sir Reginald Obsidian is a man of imposing stature, with broad shoulders and a commanding presence. His dark hair is streaked with the early signs of gray, and his sharp, piercing eyes seem to miss nothing. He often dresses in fine, but practical, clothing befitting his status as the governor of Rosewood. A neatly trimmed beard adds to his air of authority, and he carries himself with the confidence of a seasoned leader.  


Reginald is a pragmatic and astute leader, known for his strategic mind and unwavering sense of duty. While he can be stern, he is also fair, and his decisions are often guided by what he believes is best for Rosewood and its people. His loyalty to the Obsidian family is unquestionable, and he has fully embraced his role within the House after marrying Lady Viona. Reginald is a man of few words, but when he speaks, his words carry weight.  


Born Reginald Thorne, he was once a knight of modest means who quickly rose through the ranks due to his keen intellect and skill in battle. His valor caught the eye of Lady Viona, the daughter of the powerful Arathur Obsidian. Their union was one of both love and political alliance, and upon their marriage, Reginald took the Obsidian name, solidifying his place within the noble house.   As governor of Rosewood, Reginald oversees the city’s administration with a steady hand. His governance is marked by a focus on economic prosperity and maintaining order, especially in the face of the challenges presented by the diverse population and the city’s strategic importance.  


  Lady Viona Obsidian: Reginald's marriage to Viona is a partnership in every sense. Though he holds the official title of governor, Viona’s influence and wisdom are deeply respected by Reginald, and together they make decisions that shape the future of Rosewood. Arathur Obsidian: Reginald respects his father-in-law's experience and often seeks his counsel. While their approaches may differ, both men share a common goal: the prosperity and security of House Obsidian.

Role in Rosewood

As governor, Reginald’s primary responsibilities include overseeing the administration of Rosewood, managing its defenses, and ensuring the continued success of its vital industries, particularly the granite pits and vineyards. His leadership style is marked by careful planning and a deep understanding of both the local and broader geopolitical landscape.

Lady Viona


Lady Viona is a striking figure, with a regal bearing and an air of quiet authority. She has long, raven-black hair that falls in waves down her back, often adorned with silver and gemstone pins. Her eyes, a deep shade of green, are her most notable feature, reflecting both wisdom and intensity. She favors elegant, flowing gowns that complement her noble status, often in the colors of House Obsidian—deep black and silver.  


Viona is known for her sharp intellect and insightful nature. She possesses a natural charisma that draws people to her, and she has a gift for diplomacy and negotiation. Viona is fiercely protective of her family and her city, and she is not afraid to wield her influence to ensure their well-being. While she can be compassionate and understanding, she also has a steely resolve when it comes to matters of importance.  


Born as the only daughter of Arathur Obsidian, Viona was groomed from a young age to play a significant role in the future of House Obsidian. She received a comprehensive education, not just in the arts and culture expected of a noblewoman, but also in matters of statecraft, economics, and strategy. Viona’s marriage to Reginald was both a love match and a calculated alliance, designed to strengthen the position of House Obsidian.   Viona plays an active role in the governance of Rosewood, often advising her husband on matters of policy and governance. Her influence extends beyond the walls of their home, as she is well-respected by the citizens of Rosewood for her efforts in improving the lives of the people, particularly in the areas of education and public health.  


  Sir Reginald Obsidian: Viona’s relationship with Reginald is one of mutual respect and partnership. Together, they have become a formidable force in Rosewood’s political landscape, with Viona often guiding Reginald’s decisions with her sharp insight. Arathur Obsidian: Viona holds her father in high regard and often seeks his wisdom on matters of importance. However, she is also keen on forging her own path and leaving her own mark on the legacy of House Obsidian.

Role in Rosewood

While Viona does not hold an official title of governance, her role in the administration of Rosewood is undeniable. She is often seen at her husband’s side during official functions, and her counsel is highly valued in matters of state. Viona is particularly passionate about initiatives that benefit the common people, and she is often involved in charitable works and public projects aimed at improving the quality of life in Rosewood.  
Current Location
Current Residence
Row's Vineyard Estate
Reginald: 6' 2"
Fiona: 5' 6"
Reginald: 220lbs
Fiona: 135 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
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