The Northern Campaign

The rebellion in Frostfall was sparked by Romas Tamm's growing suspicions of the Bastion's intentions and his frustration with the perceived exploitation of his city. Romas started the Frostfall Trading Company as a means of economic independence, withholding tithes and taxes from the Bastion. Diplomatic talks turned sour, leading to physical conflict between Frostfall and the forces of the Bastion. After a prolonged skirmish, Frostfall surrendered and joined the Epochian Span through the Treaty of Sun and Snow, solidifying its position within the larger political structure while marking the end of the rebellion.

The Conflict


In the years leading up to the rebellion, tensions between Frostfall and the Bastion of Ascension began to simmer, ultimately culminating in open conflict. Romas Tamm, a charismatic leader known as Romas the Hardened, played a pivotal role in the rising discontent. Growing suspicious of the Bastion's intentions and weary of the perceived exploitation of his land and people, Romas took matters into his own hands. Romas initiated the establishment of the Frostfall Trading Company, a bold endeavor that aimed to bypass the Bastion's control and regulations. The trading company embarked on lucrative sea voyages, venturing both within and beyond the Span to sell goods without paying taxes to the Bastion. This act of defiance and economic independence significantly strained the relationship between Frostfall and the Bastion.   As the Frostfall Trading Company thrived, Romas withheld tithes and taxes owed to the Bastion, further exacerbating the growing tension. Diplomatic talks were initiated between Frostfall and the Bastion, with Jowan, a representative of the Bastion, engaging in negotiations. However, these discussions took a sour turn, as mistrust and frustration reached a boiling point.   The failure of the diplomatic talks and the breakdown of trust between Frostfall and the Bastion left physical conflict as the only inevitable outcome. The rebellion became an inescapable reality, as Romas and the people of Frostfall felt compelled to fight for their perceived independence and protection from what they saw as the Bastion's exploitative practices.


During the conflict between Frostfall and the forces of the Bastion, troops from the renowned mercenary family, House Arcturus, were deployed alongside the members of the Bastion. However, the initial deployment did not include any members of the 7th Seal. As the conflict unfolded, it became evident that the harsh and unforgiving conditions of the cold north posed a greater challenge than anticipated. The fierce and tenacious cold-forged militia of Frostfall gained the upper hand, exploiting their familiarity with the treacherous terrain and climate.   Recognizing the need for a stronger force to counter Frostfall's advances, the 7th Seal was eventually called upon to join the battle. The members of the 7th Seal arrived, their gauntlets bearing the Seals supercharged with the potent energy harnessed from the arcane walls in the western region.   With the arrival of the 7th Seal, the tides of the battle began to turn. Their divine-infused powers, channeled through their Seals, imbued them with heightened strength, resilience, and magical prowess. The members of the 7th Seal fought alongside the troops from House Arcturus and the Bastion, bringing their formidable skills and unwavering dedication to bear against the forces of Frostfall.   The presence of the 7th Seal proved pivotal in shifting the momentum of the conflict. Their mastery over divine energy, combined with their strategic acumen, allowed them to effectively counter the advances of the cold-forged militia. As the battle raged on, the 7th Seal's intervention began to tip the scales in favor of the Bastion and its allies.   The turning point in the battle demonstrated the crucial role played by the members of the 7th Seal, who, empowered by their Seals and fueled by their devotion to the cause, rose to the occasion. Their arrival and subsequent actions underscored their position as formidable warriors, embodying the divine might and unwavering determination of the Bastion and the gods they served.


In the year 568 CY, the prolonged skirmish between Frostfall and the forces of the Bastion reached its conclusion. Romas Tamm, the leader of Frostfall, ultimately surrendered to Jowan Cormac, the First Son of the Bastion. However, instead of facing a trial or imprisonment, Romas was swiftly executed by Jowan for the grave offense of treason.   Tragically, Romas's son Finn, who was poised to assume leadership of Frostfall, had already met his demise during the intense battles. This left the position of leadership vacant, and the responsibility fell upon Eira Tamm, Romas's 20-year-old daughter.   In the wake of her father's execution and the loss of her brother, Eira Tamm assumed the mantle of leadership in Frostfall. Despite her youth, she demonstrated strength, resilience, and a commitment to leading her people through the aftermath of the conflict. Eira took on the tremendous burden of rebuilding Frostfall and forging a new path for her city within the span.   Eira's ascension to leadership marked a significant turning point for Frostfall. As a young and determined leader, she carried the weight of her family's legacy and the hopes of her people. Guided by her vision, Eira sought to rebuild Frostfall, foster diplomatic relations with the Bastion, and ensure the prosperity and well-being of her citizens in the years to come.   The events surrounding the conclusion of the skirmish, Romas's execution, and Eira's assumption of leadership represent a pivotal moment in Frostfall's history. The city faced the challenging task of healing wounds, rebuilding trust, and carving out a new identity under the leadership of a young and untested ruler. Eira's determination and resilience would prove crucial in navigating the uncertain path ahead for Frostfall and its people.


The signing of the Treaty of Sun and Snow marked a significant milestone in the relationship between Frostfall and the Epochian Span. This treaty served as an official agreement that recognized Frostfall's position within the span and established a framework for peaceful coexistence and collaboration. Representatives from Frostfall and the Bastion, led by Eira Tamm and Jowan respectively, came together to negotiate the terms of the treaty. The negotiations aimed to address the grievances, concerns, and aspirations of both parties, seeking a resolution that would foster unity and stability within the realm.   After a series of deliberations, compromises, and diplomatic discussions, the Treaty of Sun and Snow was finally reached. The treaty outlined the terms and conditions of Frostfall's integration into the Epochian Span, solidifying its place within the larger political structure governed by the Bastion.   Key provisions of the treaty included recognition of Frostfall as an autonomous city, respecting its cultural identity and governance while adhering to the overall laws and regulations of the span. The treaty also outlined provisions for economic cooperation, trade relations, and mutual defense, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and shared security.   By signing the Treaty of Sun and Snow, both Frostfall and the Bastion affirmed their commitment to peace, stability, and mutual respect. The treaty represented a new chapter in the relationship between Frostfall and the Epochian Span, fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation that would contribute to the overall prosperity and well-being of the realm.   The signing of the treaty symbolized a significant step forward in healing the wounds of the past conflict and building a foundation for a more harmonious and interconnected realm. It was a testament to the power of diplomacy, negotiation, and the willingness to find common ground, ultimately leading to a more unified and resilient Epochian Span.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
The 16th of Harvester, 566 CY
Ending Date
The 1st of Growfest, 568 CY
Conflict Result
The Treaty of Sun and Snow was signed. Frostfall recognized as part of the Span.
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