First Son

In the organization known as the Sons of the Seventh Seal, or simply the Seventh Seal, the title of the First Son holds great significance. This esteemed position serves as the pinnacle of leadership within the organization, representing the highest authority and responsibility. However, it is important to note that if a female holds the title, she is referred to as the First Daughter.   The Seventh Seal is a revered and influential organization, known for its dedication to upholding ancient traditions and safeguarding the balance between the mortal realm and the divine. Their headquarters, the Bastion of Ascendence, stands as a formidable structure situated within the Metropolis of Epoch. This grand city serves as a center for knowledge, enlightenment, and the pursuit of higher understanding.   The First Son, regardless of gender, is considered to be divinely chosen and ordained by the gods themselves to lead the Seventh Seal. This role carries immense responsibilities, as the First Son serves as the ultimate authority within the organization, making critical decisions, overseeing rituals and ceremonies, and ensuring the preservation of the sacred teachings and principles of the Seventh Seal.   The First Son acts as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for all members of the organization, leading by example and embodying the core values of the Seventh Seal. They are expected to possess deep wisdom, profound spiritual insight, and unwavering devotion to the divine order. The First Son's leadership is characterized by a combination of firm resolve, compassion, and a profound understanding of the delicate balance between the mortal realm and the ethereal plane.   Within the Bastion of Ascendence, the First Son maintains an inner circle of trusted advisors and scholars who assist in the governance of the Seventh Seal. Together, they oversee the organization's operations, study ancient texts and prophecies, and strive to interpret the will of the gods.   As the embodiment of divine authority and spiritual leadership, the First Son commands the respect and loyalty of the members of the Seventh Seal. They are seen as a conduit between mortals and the divine, a guide who safeguards the ancient traditions and protects the metaphysical balance of the world. Through their leadership, the First Son ensures that the organization remains true to its sacred purpose and continues to fulfill its duties as ordained by the gods.


Upon the passing of the previous First Son of the Seventh Seal, a sacred ritual takes place to determine the successor. The highest-ranked clerics of the organization, known for their deep spiritual connection and wisdom, gather together in a solemn ceremony within the hallowed halls of the Bastion of Ascendence. The assembled clerics enter into a state of deep meditation and communion with their god, seeking divine guidance to identify the most pious and worthy individual to assume the role of the First Son. This communion is an intricate process, involving prayers, invocations, and intense spiritual focus.   During this profound spiritual communion, the gods respond to the earnest entreaties of the clerics. Through a voice or a vision, the gods convey the name of the chosen individual, bestowing their divine blessing and recognition. The name is spoken with utmost reverence, representing the gods' affirmation of the individual's piety and readiness to assume the mantle of leadership.   Upon receiving the name from the divine, the assembled clerics emerge from their meditative state and share the revelation with the rest of the Seventh Seal. The chosen individual, who has been called by name by the gods, is informed of their divine appointment as the new First Son.   In honor of the deceased predecessor, a funeral is held within the week following their passing. This solemn ceremony serves as a tribute to the former leader's contributions, wisdom, and devotion to the Seventh Seal. It is a time for mourning and reflection, where members of the organization gather to pay their respects and bid farewell to their fallen leader.   Simultaneously, preparations are made to officially welcome the new First Son. The Bastion of Ascendence, the headquarters of the Seventh Seal, undergoes a symbolic transformation as it readies itself for the arrival of its new leader. The halls are adorned with sacred symbols and ceremonial artifacts, signifying the spiritual authority vested in the position of the First Son.   Once the funeral rites are complete, the new First Son assumes their rightful place at the head of the Bastion. The transition of leadership is marked by a solemn ceremony, attended by members of the Seventh Seal, dignitaries, and esteemed guests. The new First Son accepts their role with humility and reverence, pledging to uphold the sacred teachings, protect the divine balance, and lead the organization with wisdom and divine guidance.   The appointment of the new First Son through the communion with the gods ensures that the position is held by an individual recognized for their exceptional piety and spiritual devotion. This process reinforces the belief that the leader of the Seventh Seal is not merely chosen by mortal hands but ordained by the divine, reinforcing the organization's sacred purpose and the spiritual authority it embodies.
Form of Address
First Son
Alternative Naming
The First
Source of Authority
The Seven gods of the Span
Length of Term
Until death
Current Holders
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