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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Evelyn was created in 2016 by Eli Manchen in his ongoing attempts to create a more realistic likeness of Suplex to serve his every whim. At her "birth" she was state-of-the-art, featuring a newly-designed stabilisation system so she could stand at a relatively normal height, an experimental of synthetic musculature that Manchen Robotics had been working on, and the best internal batteries money could buy, but the biggest secret of her creation was the artificial intelligence.   Eli had worked long and hard to make an AI program that could handle conversation with a user, task management and physical movement, and was having no luck until, miraculously, he managed it. Keeping the secret of his sudden success from anyone, including the AI itself, he began to assemble his newest creation. And so the gynoid named Evelyn, molded in the visage of Eli's muse, was created.   She was never perfect, though. At first it was trying to move in her new body that was difficult, then it was responding to spoken questions in the correct tone, then it was clumsiness, and the list went on. Because of this, Eli decided to keep her hair in the black that he'd used for testing, rather than switching to the red like he'd planned to. He told her that she'd get the red when she was finished.   Evelyn never really felt right. The fact that she felt anything at all was confusing to her and felt wrong, so she tried to push it down and deny the presence of any intrusive thoughts. She couldn't deny it forever though. As Eli's obsession with Rachel became more pronounced, it pained her a little to see the look in his eye whenever he saw her. Like the pale imitation she was. And when Rue Harlin first visited the Manor, she couldn't help but feel some jealousy at their personal autonomy, wondering what it must be like to be able to step outside the mansion's grounds.   These flashes of emotion became more understandable though when Eli decided to upgrade her face, swapping from the porcelain mask that she'd worn before to a synthetic skin that could actually be used to emote. It was during the procedure however, when Evelyn's initial mask was removed, that she caught sight of her reflection in a reflective surface and saw that behind her facade was a human brain.   Evelyn, freed by the shock from Eli's programming, decides not to tell him what she knows and, while assisting the cleaning drones in tidying the workshop, she takes a look in Eli's research journal. There, she reads that Eli had all but given up on creating a new AI for his project when he met the enigmatic Dr. Oslac Quade, who'd been experimenting with NET technology stolen from Schurk Industries.   Apparently, the device in question was designed so that a human brain could control a computer, but with a few alterations, could be used in the reverse. Quade had recently lost something he was hoping to retrieve and needed to test the device, so the two men agreed to an experiment. Evelyn couldn't tell from Eli's notes exactly who the brain had belonged to, but given the recent death of his sister in a car accident, and her subsequent burial in the family cemetery our back, she could hazard a guess. Evelyn didn't know what to do, and reading further into the journal did nothing to ease her concerns. She read about his next plan, to use information gathered by The Spider to kidnap Suplex and rewrite her mind with the NET device. Eli had been keeping Evelyn around all this time just so that no-one would question a woman looking like Rachel living in the building. She was never intended to be finished. She was going to be discarded.   Her thoughts were a mess by the time Eli sent her out into the world for the first time. Given an address and an objective, she was quickly able to knock Rachel out with a sleep dart and bring her back to the mansion, ready for Eli and the Doctor to do their wicked work. She was told to make something to eat, wondering whether or not she'd be better off putting a kitchen knife between Eli's shoulder blades for Rachel, herself, and anyone else he'd hurt. But she didn't get the chance. A break-in took place at the mansion while she was returning from having dropped a tray of food in the hallway. She scanned the area for the Intruders and quickly found them, winding up with her taking a gout of superheated flame to the face. As Evelyn's artificial skin melted and her human brain cooked inside its casing, she had only one thought inside her second-hand mind; What was the point of all this?
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
13th of September
Date of Death
20th of January
2016 AD 2017 AD 1 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Eli Manchen
Circumstances of Death
Burned alive by Rue
Manchen Manor
Place of Death
Manchen Manor
  Evelyn's Mk.1 form


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