
A fantasy world of two continents, Tamaria and Aberval, converging to form the majestic Bellever Mountains which form a natural barrier between the land masses. Tamaria is a temperate region, experiencing warm summers and harsh winters. The continent is largely moorland and woodland to the north and east, with wetter boggier conditions to be found in the west. By contrast, Aberval enjoys a tropical climate, with year round sun in the centre and southeast. The northwest has its own microclimate caused by the immense rainforest, receiving torrential downpours and drier sunnier weather in equal measure.    
The temperate eastern continent, with a burgeoning 'city' made of three distinct towns each with a council vying for total control. Aberston is nestled between 2 rivers:The Loubasyger River to the west, flowing down from the Tewledandar Forest and polluted with run off from the fields, and the River Glanwyn to the east, flowing with meltwater straight from the mountains. To the north, beyond the farmlands are the moors, ascending from marshlands in the west to border the Tewledandar Forest.   Meltwater feeds the two rivers flowing from the mountains, flowing over a precipice, tumbling down to a lake from which the rivers flow, one to the west then south, the other east, then north, both cutting a navigable pass through the mountains known as the Tremenydh Pass. This pass is densely forested, with the geography lending itself to bandits, particularly the @uhn . Once the only route through the mountains, a landslide completely blocked the northwest end some years ago. A tunnel has been carved through the rock, but a toll enforced by the tunnellers restricts its use.
Beyond the Bellever Mountains, to the southwest of the pass, the rain shadow leaves great, gently sloping plains that eventually give way to the The Bodmany Wilds and the golden dunes of the Bodmany Desert stretching out as far as the eye can see. Beyond the Bodmany Desert , off the north-western cape of Aberval, is the Shark Tooth Isles - a volcanic atoll home to the Ki'Inori peoples.
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