Stannerton Shanties

Stannerton is the sprawling mess nestled against the eastern walls of Easton, in the shadow of The Citadel. At the centre, stands the only buildings intended to be there: the fish market, the wharves and the warehouses. All around these, even jutting out over the water on stilts, stand shacks of myriad designs and constructed using whatever materials are available at the time - usually peices of drift wood, scrap metal and rope made from the reeds found in the river. 
Closer to the permanent buildings, these shacks are better constructed, a temporary installation having been approved by the Civil Chamber to support the rapidly growing population of Easton, however a more permanent solution was never developed. People continued to flock to the town seeking better opportunities and the promise of work, only to find a lack of shelter and wages too low to cover the costs of lodgings in even the dingiest of taverns. As a result, more and more shacks appeared, leaning on the previous ones until huge terraces radiated out at all angles. The stench arising from living in such cramp and squalid conditions became known as the Trench Stench, after the trenches that had been carved into the mud from frequent walking. The situation has become so bad that the Council of Guilds, desperate to avoid another plague that wiped out so many of its members, is considering enlisting the support of the The Order of the Cup to intercede on their behalf with the soon to be appointed The Lord Provost to bring about significant change.


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