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The gnomish city of Glemvale is the single oldest continuously inhabited place in all of Berth. Resting where the Lady's Lake flows into the Gleaming Torrent that bisects the rest of Nionibus, it is the seat of civilization on the continent. These days, The Clockwork Heart (as the city is sometimes called) continues to be on the cutting edge of technological development as the rock gnomes and many others who call it home refuse to be left behind by the times. Its glory undimmed by time, Glemvale is a thriving community in addition to a center for invention and a magnet for tourism.


Originally entirely inhabited by Rock Gnomes (barring the occasional traveling band of Rabbitfolk), Glemvale is now a melting pot which rivals New Solaria and The Collegium for diversity. Folks come from all across the Imperium and even beyond to visit, work, and live in the First City. The largest sector of population is still gnomes, though they can no longer claim to be in the majority in their home city. Perhaps 15% of the individuals living in Glemvale now are gnomes of some variety, with that population being further broken down into rock and forest gnomes, as well as a few hardworking deep gnomes who have earned their places. The rest of the population breaks down along the same general demographic lines as New Solaria, leaning heavily to elves (due to their long lives) and humans (due to their prodigious rate of reproduction). However, there is a greater concentration of Rabbitfolk here than in any other large city in the Imperium, and only an uneasy peace keeps the Leonin on their side of town.


A council of ten gnomish families, all of which can trace their lineage back to the founders of the city, rule Glemvale. These families each put forth one or two representatives every ten years, entering them into a competition for the seven council seats. The competition, known as the Glemvale Race (although it has nothing to do with racing and is, in fact, an engineering and problem-solving gauntlet), is theoretically open to the public. However, everyone knows that the seats will go to members of the Families, and so it is generally acknowledged that it's a waste of time to run if your intention is to actually join the council. Many inventors have used the Glemvale Race as a way to gain publicity, though, so it is watched closely by lots of different groups.   The Glemvale Council, chosen by the judges of the Race, operates as the governing body of the city and its surrounding Glemvale Province. Technically, the Imperially appointed Governor is Duke Snyvi Clypwhell, matriarch of the Clypwhell family which traces its ancestry back through Her Majesty, King Pengnedem Tinkerfell to Lord Garbum Tinkerfell, who was on the founding council of Glemvale. The Governor holds the official seal which determines policy, but in practice, she stamps whatever the Council sends her, as she is more concerned with the management of her vast and unruly family than with the day-to-day governance of her province.


On the shores of the Lady's Lake, Glemvale rests at the base of a grassy dell where the lake flows into the Gleaming Torrent. In almost all directions, as far as the eye can see, there are the rolling hills of the Dawnlight Prairie and the Windleashe Fields with their grasses waving golden in the breeze. To the northeast, across the lake, the stark outline of Coias Peak rises to pierce the very heavens.


Long, warm summers and mild, damp winters give Glemvale a pleasant climate year-round. Consistent winds from the Lady's Lake ensure soaking rains during the heat of the summer, as well as moderate snowfall in the winters. Autumn is crisp and delightful, and while spring is rainy, it is also a season of much blooming life.   The soil in and around Glemvale has been farmed consistently since the Age of Heroes. In that time, a great many different methods have been used to ensure its bounty, including crop rotation, leaving fields fallow, fertilizer, grazing cattle on certain plots during off-seasons, prayer, and in more recent centuries, thorough nutrient reintegration through the use of magical technology. Still, the sins of ages past are not to be deterred so easily, and it is only by the grace of druidic magic and Lady Adaris's blessing that the farms of the Glemvale province continue to produce enough to support their owners. (On the plus side, this puts Glemvale on the map not only for arcane magical development, but for agricultural and primal applications of magic and technology as well!)
Founding Date
5 AH
Alternative Name(s)
The First City, The Clockwork Heart
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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