"The Parents" Organization in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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"The Parents"

  Little is known of the group Dr. Rhinehardt refers to as "the parents." He explained he was contacted by one of them during his Slappers investigation. They enlisted his help to bring "The Children" to them for the safety of Earth. They have kept contact but remained obscured by holographic technology to keep their visages a mystery. Though they have expressed a desire to help earth, when they are asked to directly intervene such as removing the power dampening collar from the lightbringer member captured, they do so but tell Dr. Rhinehardt he will be punished for this. Dr. Rhinehardt explains it would be difficult for them to exist in Earth as it currently is as the magical power is very low. Dr. Rhinehardt explained among his various tasks he is seeing if he could retrofit an environmental suit to help in these endeavors.   Benefits they have provided include information to Rhinehardt on the situation as well as providing a limited number of power dampening collars. They were also esential for the establishing of the Moon base as well as furthing Dr. Rhinehardt's studies to be able to tap into the potential of the group.   After discovering possibility of their manipulation of Lightbringer based on his demonstrating a similar speech pattern as they had expressing disappointment the group speculated how they would proceed. General consensus was they would attempt to continue following thru to not tip their hand but would try to keep the shards of the Orb from them.


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