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Breakthrough Point

Breakthrough Point, formerly known as Point Alpha, is a series of pulley systems and elevators built into the section of the Ice Wall between the Southern Ocean and Avalon.

Purpose / Function

Point Breakthrough is intended to allow for expeditions to the Beyond to cross the ice wall with minimal training and risk. Such expeditions are generally one-way and completed through the use of Horthall Galleons.


Over time, the pulley systems and elevators have been upgraded, repaired, and replaced multiple times over, either due to attacks or natural decay. The buildings have been upgraded and fortified in response to growing needs and attacks, respectively.


Overtime, more was added to the point, including insulated structures on both sides of the wall and on top, fuly insulated and packed with emergency gear and supplies. A small squadron of about six individuals must be present at each building at all times.


Point Breakthrough was built in 1987 through the combined efforts of The Kingdom of England and the Avalonian Caiists, as well as some assistance from The Wall Riders. The point was only supposed to be temporary, as a way for England to get their footing in the World Beyond. Further expeditions were supposed to set up better points, even to the point of digging a tunnel through the wall, but influence from The Illuminati made this difficult, and so Point Alpha was made permanent and renamed to Breakthrough Point.   Throughout its lifetime, there have been multiple attacks on it from the Illuminati, but it still stands strong.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Point Alpha
Wall section
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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