Casey Jones Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Casey Jones

This is about the character during the Academy era. Click here for their Divers profile.   Following up on his University's research project he is sent to the Gunpla Academy to continue researching the applications of Gunpla technology to other fields of technology.   Casey has a wave of growing anger with regards to his upbringing and how overly sheltered he was, triggered by his discovery of gunpla and the joys that come from it, as a result, he views his biological family with contempt and hate.   Will he be able to reconcile his new joys and his family? Or will he succumb to that rage and become a monster?     During a battle with Freyja Lindberg , Casey begins to re-evaluate his ruthless and heartless methods and thanks to the intervention of Homura Kurogane and Rui Kuruma. Casey's self-imposed barriers began to loosen at the cost of realizing just how out of touch with his peers he really is. He began meeting with Abraham to try and heal his damaged psyche and soul. In order to connect with others, his mentor Sage in particular while also trying to understand more of Gundam by watching the shows he had been denied to even know about by his mother. With the events Of Sage's machinations Casey almost lost himself twice; once to hate and once to despair. Andy Loveless had helped him avoid becoming a killer and Alfa, with the help of Homura dragged Casey out of a self-destructive spiral and back to a level of self-confidence that he had since coming to the academy with an eventful yet victorious trip to a lake, retaining the personal growth he had gained Casey set out for a new goal. With this renewed determination Casey swears to achieve his new goal, to create a world where El-Divers are seen as equals, rather than dangers or tools.
Mobile Suit
Reborns Gilded
Relic X
Barbatos Breaker   House
Azure Dragon

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