Archaeologist's Guild

"Tobias come here quick" said the chief Archaeologist Samuel. Tobias quickly dropped his tools caring not of their condition and ran to Samuel and before him he saw what seemed to be the entrance to a tomb. Samuel and Tobias had been exploring the ruins of what they believed to have once belonged to an ancient city of worshippers of the Cherubim when they dwelt on Bi'Terra. Samuel raised his torch over some runes and quickly tried to also skim through a book which contained some translations of their tongue and read the runes which said; "Behold, you are at the door to the tomb of Commander "Red Eyes" who had proudly fought against the tyrants Draegan, Kraekan and Taetan and died protecting the Cherubites". Samuel and Tobias were excited to have potentially found a real tomb of a cherub and to finally have a full skeleton to look upon. "There should be a lever, or some sort of button that opens the door to this tomb" said Samuel under his breath. But after spending a couple minutes looking, he gave up and decided to have some of the miners come and try to pry the door open. Then after half of an hour later, the miners came and began to open the door; they first tried swinging with their pickaxes which didn't do anything, they then got their strongest men and tried to pry it open but barely it barely moved and finally they tried bringing an Earth Magi to try and change the material of the door but soon remembered that the Cherubs had very powerful anti-magic properties on their architecture, armor and other things they made. Tobias then saw some debris come off and he saw what appeared to be a imprint of something that could be into the door almost like a key. Samuel then saw it too and realized what it was and quickly went to Tobias and grabbed his necklace and ripped it off. "HEY! that's is my family heirloom" shouted Tobias. "You're right my boy and this heirloom is also the key to opening this door" said Samuel excitingly. The necklace was an eight sided star with an octagon center; supposedly given to Tobias' ancestor as a medal for fighting in an ancient war. Samuel puts the star into the imprint and then the door began to glow and split into two and went into the wall horizontally. Inside the room was one sarcophagus in the center of the octagon shaped room. Samuel and Tobias then saw on the walls carvings depicting the life of this Cherub commander and saw at the end of the story his death, being stabbed in the back by eight of his captains and left to die, this was the first time discovered of anyone that has drawn what these cherubs looked like. Samuel then looked to Tobias and said "Help me open the sarcophagus and let's see what this cherub looks like now" and they with the help of a couple miners lifted the top of the sarcophagus and slid it to the side and they saw the body which was surprisingly still well preserved. "Ah so you have found ze tomb ja" said Captain Steiner as he walked into the room with a couple of Qualzonian soldiers. "I think it is time for you to go now, we no longer need your assistance, we can do ze rest from here now". "But sir we have found the greatest discovery of this era and we wish to stay and document what we have found" said Samuel. "NEIN!, under the orders of General Gunther no citizens are to be around these ruins let alone inside the ruins" then Steiner pulls out a large bag of gold coins and toss them to one of the miners and said "You all now work for the Qualzonian Empire, please escort the Humans out the area". and Samuel and Tobias were escorted out of the ruins but something told Tobias that they were being watched, not by any of the Qualzonians soldiers but by something much more powerful and he looked up to a branch on a tree and thought he saw a figure of a person but saw completely through it and assumed he must be seeing things due to dehydration...         The Archaeologist's guild is for those who wish to seek adventure without risking to be killed by bounties, bandits waiting for merchants or for those who love to discover things or for those who seek ancient artifacts (that may or may not be very powerful).

Public Agenda

To Explore ancient ruins to discover historical artifacts to learn from the ancient past to preserve history, to learn from it and progress into a better society. But also to find cool artifacts that may or may not be too powerful for the world to handle...


They are funded by the Qualzonian Empire, the Kingdom of Paradine and the Gnoman nations. The guild then uses that money to purchase whatever tools they need to do their expeditions


The Organization was founded by a nobleman who at first wanted to preserve his families history but after finding so many interconnected historical events throughout his bloodlines history he then decided to also to research and find long lost cities, artifacts, and peoples in the name of preserving history to learn from it. Some of the organizations biggest discoveries have been the long lost city of Nepotamia, the tomb of King Palpat, and the discovery of an ancient Cherubim settlement where they found armor pieces and swords and spears along with some incomplete bones.

To explore and discover we will.

Founding Date
In the 50th year of the 12th Era
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Explorer's Guild
Related Species


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