Imperial Investigation Bureau

As the Gnoman scout runs from rooftop to rooftop trying to get away from the imperial inquisitors, a bolt from a crossbow hits him in his ribs and he falls landing on a fruit cart in the marketplace in the city and shortly after an Inquisitor with his large hat that covered his entire body in shade from the sun with a griffin's feather on the top, the inquisitor goes on one knee to get closer and grabs the bolt and twists it deeper into the gnoman saying "There is no room in the empire for terrorist scum especially a vile gnoman such as yourself, long live the emperor" and then he rips the bolt out of the gnoman's side and stabs him in the neck and the Inquisitors walk away as the qualzonian soldiers take the body and dump it into the river to float downstream...


The Grand Inquisitor is in charge of all operations that are permitted to be conducted, and below him are chief officers who are each in charge of a band (10-15) of inquisitors


They have a devout loyalty to the Emperor and will protect his life and their empire at all costs necessary even if it means some will need to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Public Agenda

To ensure the power of the Empire by rooting out the disobedient lawless populace and to protect the Emperor with their lives.


They have a large budget to use at their disposal and if the Emperor's life is at risk then it is unlimited; they have many bases across their colonies and even some operations in foreign countries to destabilize them to make it easier to conquer when the time comes.


They were founded shortly after Maximus was crowned Emperor due to many assassination attempts from senators and counselors and even terrorist organizations from other nations trying to cause riots in the Empire.

Long live the Emperor, Hail!

Founding Date
The 5th year of the 14th era
Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
The Emperor's Inquisition
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Cooperative task force; to aid the bureau by handing over high value targets when caught.

Their task force co-op has been able to find and eliminate over a dozen crime lords and terrorist organizations. The college of fire magic has been able to aid the inquisitors with firepower against ice magi who are wanted for terrorism by the bureau and also the bureau have been able to give the college of fire magic resources for their improving their knowledge in fire magic.


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