Grand Inquisitor


They must be an Elfan who has served in the army and have a strong devout loyalty to the emperor.


They are voted in by a senate of other Inquisitors and once voted in they are taken to the emperor himself and he will anoint the Grand Inquisitor with his blessing to go forth and seek out every traitor, terrorist, rebel or blasphemer of the Empire.


They are to fulfill the will of the Emperor by being in charge of inquisitors to seek out any potential traitors, rebels, terrorists and eradicate them.


The average day of a Grand Inquisitor involves going through documents that are sent to a Inquisitor headquarters with potential locations of terrorists and then he will hand pick a group of 4 or more Inquisitors to go out and find the accused and bring them back either dead or alive. on rare occasions the Grand Inquisitor himself will go out when the Emperor himself commands him to go to a location where he is needed.


They have a lot of power especially over ranking high ranking generals and political parties.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Their garments are slightly different than the normal Inquisitors garments with the exception of a large like sun hat and the colors are red and gold instead of green and gold and a shoulder cape.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

They are very difficult to remove since they have a lot of power but if they are accused and proven of treason then they are removed from position and killed on site.


They were founded after the conquest of the Swamp Kingdom and years of rebels that would attempt to assassinate Imperial officials and generals. A former general who fought with Emperor Qualgamar founded the organization and they went out and brought loyalty across the Empire.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Grand Inquisitor of the Mighty Emperor
Equates to
Spanish Inquisition, the Jesuits.
Source of Authority
The Emperor's decree allows the Grand Inquisitor to have authority over generals and even over senators, counselors and governors. Only the emperor has authority over the grand inquisitor.
Length of Term
It is a lifelong term unless proven to be a traitor to the emperor.
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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