

The Leader which is called the General will have command over Captains which are in charge of four enforcers each which they are in charge of eight agents each. The General gives out his orders/assignments to his captains which he receives from the emperor himself or the general himself, and those captains will get their enforcers to prepare their agents to go out and do their missions. Agents are spies who will go out and perform espionage in foreign countries to either gather information or to help destabilize the region if needed to make conquering it much more successful, or even assassinate political or religious targets that pose a threat to the Empire's ambitions...


They are secret organization only known by the Emperor and the most well trusted generals and governors. They swear and oath to pledge total allegiance to the Emperor and to do whatever is necessary to make all of Bi'Terra bow before him, even if it means to slaughter the old and young, they with child, the sick, the poor and the rich, the strong and weak, strangers and their fellow citizens, or even their own loved ones. They will deceive, they will cheat, they will murder, they do not care what they must do to bring all of Bi'Terra under the reign of their Emperor...


They have the full support of the Emperor himself and have authority over many nobles, captains and even high ranking generals themselves. Money is not an issue; whatever they require it will be given to them one way or another...


Over the years they have assassinated many politicians who have spoken out against the Qualzonian empire, infiltrated churches and temples to sway the followers to distrust their religions and to persuade the people to accept the Empire, and they even destabilized Weskonia causing the majority of people to no longer be loyal to their Tsar.

Für den Kaiser,

Founding Date
The 87th year of the 13th Era, after the conquest of Fortress Kobog.
Secret, Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Species


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