School of Water magic

The School of water magic is for the ability to raise, shape, bend, change, heat up or cool down water (basically water bending from avatar, sorta). many great masters of water magic have been able to raise great walls of water to flood enemies, summon rain to give water to crops, bring water out of the ground in days of famine or dry seasons and even bend and destroy those with blood in them.


water coming from the palm of the hand or fingertips, raising, bending, shaping water with telepathy like powers and to raise or lower the temperature of water.

Side/Secondary Effects

if water were to be cast from the users hands/fingertips then those would be soaking wet and works the same anywhere else on the body.


it can smell like the ocean if water from the ocean has been used.


Spell books, power from within one's soul.
Material Components
Water, as long as there is anything that contains a droplet of water (from even sweat, urine, blood or even vomit) within reach of one's hand, then they can cast water spells
Related Element
Applied Restriction
Being in the desert can be an obvious reason to being a difficult to use school of magic and in matters concerning the law of the land: It is not too frowned upon but has been seen to be quite annoying from past users making it only done in certain areas and spells that are too powerful are not allowed to be cast within the territory of settlements.

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