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Hela Lokisdottir

Hela Lokisdottir- Odinsdottir

Hela is the daughter of Loki Laufeyson and his lover Angrboda. Of those on ASgard, only Thor and Sif are aware of her link to Loki. She was a child when Her uncle Thor Odinson was exiled to Midgard. Her Uncle had gifted her a green something to remind her of her father. She was named after a myth of Hela, the great ruler of Niflheim and hero of her mother's people for bringing peace between the giants and Asgard.   Loki and Sif Hredasdottir were traveling with Hela as a child when they were attacked by giant creatures resulting in Loki and Nebula meeting fo the first time after Loki threw his daughter and Sif back through a portal to safety.   When Loki and Silva (Sigyn Volundrdottir ) become romantically linked after Hela's mother dies, Silva adopts her and they raise her on earth on occassion. Stephan Strange is aske dto trian her. Later Nebula adopts her as well and teaches her how to survive no matter what. She records a message for her huture self as a present to Nebule:   "You are my favorite, Nebula. Do you know why? Because you always tell me the truth, even if its scary. That's why you're my favorite."   Hela meets Time Stone and Soul Stone and whispers how she knows them. and they know her. Wanda Maximoff helps facilitate communication. The stone's help Hela to understand that someday she will come in contact with the time stone and will "go away".   Hela met her grandmother Frigga Fjorgynndottir and triggered the reading of absolute prophecy.   draft: Hela will be a child, a woman and a hag Hela will be a daughter, maiden and a mother She will bring about the end of Asgard's rule It has already happened. It will happen again.   During a fight with a child of THanos, Stephan was separated from the Time Stone. Hela had been avoiding touching them, yet they called to her to touch and fulfill prophecy. The enemy had both the soul stone and time stone and was about to use them to attack Loki. Hela couldn't allow this and grabs the stones and shoves her magic into them to destroy the enemy. The soul stone takes her as she is now and the time stone send s her backwards through time to be given to Odin as a peace prize/offering.   She becomes MCU Hela. Thanos courts her in the middle of his other plans.   When Ragnarok happens(Odin Dies), she had gathered Fenrir and Jormandr to her as her siblings (not that she remembered Loki being her father after all that time). She feeds Thor to Jor (he will spit him back out later) and sends Fenrir to deal with Tyr. Nebula and Loki talk her down. Eventually they manage it, but the World tree cracks and Baldr is threatening to escape. Hela was the only person left who knew the spells Odin used to bind his lifeforce to the tree.   She gathers the soul stone (Blackbolt/Tony unwillingly carrying it) and Frigga. ChildHela comes out of hte Soul Stone where she'd been safe from the damage of Odin's monstrosity. they bind the world tree and Soul sotne to Hela and become one entity and the True entity of Death for all time.   She returns to Nilfhiem to deal with Baldr. returns at the final battle against Thanos.   Eventually married Karnilla whom Odin has set to marry Baldr, but she preferred Hela and couldn't say so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hela as a child was sent back in time to when Baldr Odinson was a child and landed in a shrine of the giants. She was raised as a preistess with great magical ability. Within a few short years war with Asgard broke out and the giants gav Odin their favored preistess to be raised by the King of Asgard as his daughter. Odin berated her and pushed her, using psychological abuse and some physical abuse with a lot of emotional and mental manipulations to raise her to be obediant and a killer.   She and Baldr became great conquerors in Asgard's name. But when the conquering was mostly done, Odin couldn't control Baldr (son of Fryggin, cousin to Sif) and wanted to rewrite his history. So he locked Baldr in Nilfheim and set Hela the task of guarding him. The Valkyrie went with her out of loyalty (like the warriors three) and Odin silenced everyone     Frigga then gave birth to Thor and Odin did the same deal with Laufey for Loki. Hela could only really see ASgardoutside her realm as Odin's power held her into her deal to watch over Baldr. When Fenrir escaped Odin's attempts to punish Loki, he found Hela, who realized they were of the same bloodline, and took him in. When she helped Fnrir's children journey tp live on Earth, she met Jormandr and strengthened the concealing spells on him.   Karnilla was sent to Niflheim as Baldr's fiancee, though she disliked the prince intensely.  She eventually became quite close to Hela.


Hela was lover to all Valkyrie freely.


Loki taught her magic Nebula taught her to survive a dictator Silva taught her to fight for herself Frigga taught her patience and Persistence Baldr taught her violence Thor taught her connection and huggles Fenrir taught her comrade-ship Valkyrie taught her loyalty Jor taught her to take risks




Towards Hela Lokisdottir


Hela Lokisdottir


Towards Fenrir


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Niflheim Lady Death
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Loki and Angrboda in secret
Circumstances of Death
Revived as the entity of Death itself
Parents (Adopting)
Fenrir (Brother/Nephew)
Raven Black
Other Affiliations


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