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Loki Laufeyson

Loki Friggason- Laufeyson (a.k.a. Silvertongue, Luke, Lori, Trickster)

When Tony Stark sends Thor Odinson a message trying to warn him about the future, Thor misinterprets the message and gets himself banished while Loki was visiting his daughter Hela Lokisdottir and her mother Angrboda. Before leaving, Thor swore Sif Hredasdottir to guard Loki until such time Thor releases her form this vow.   Loki feels the magic Odin Borson uses on Thor andrushed back too late. Without knowledge of where Thor has gone and only the warning that Odin wished Loki ill, Loki and Sif set out to perform the tasks of both princes as well as search for Thor. THe Warriors Three join them as possible, taking up the slack elsewhere when not.   Eventually Loki and Sif journey to Earth and find Thor there as Donald Blake, pre-MD and dating Jane Foster. Loki learns that Thor's memories are loked by Odin's powerful magic and cannot risk undoing it. Sif and Loki set themselves up as humans living near Thor and Jane. Loki takes on the name Luke and Sif, the name Siva.   They come to know Thor and Jane well, eventually attending a local BDSM group they are part of. Loki, as Luke or Lori meets Sigyn Volundrdottir under the name Silvia. They form a bond and eventually marry and learn of each other's pasts (Verity Willis's past). They eventually marry and give birth to a daughter Tessan Lokidottir (marvel Tess Black) who stays on Earth as a witch.   Loki and Sif were traveling with Hela collecting herbs when they were attacked by giant creatures resulting in Loki and Nebula meeting of the first time after Loki threw his daughter and Sif back through a portal to safety. Loki and Nebula fell into a ravine. Loki healed Nebula and spoke with her quietly. He offered to make a magical connection only he could access in her brain away from the cybernetics. When Thanos comes to find Nebula, she hides Loki's presence.   Loki connects with Nebula and gives her a place to rest from Thanos's brutality, if only in her mind. They speak of her love an dhatred for her sister Gamora. They form an emotional bond that eventually includes Sigyn. When Thanos comes to earth, Loki's bond with Nebula tells them they are close together and how to defeat the invasion.   During the invasion, Loki and Thor with Mjolnir (and the partnership returns Thor's lost life to him). They fight together to beat back the Chitauri. Later Loki explains Thor's past form his perspective and helps thor magically reclaim his memories   Eventually they use Loki's bond with Nebula to rescue her.   Loki and Silva give birth to twins, Narfi Lokison and Nari Lokidottir.   When Angrboda dies, Hela comes to live with Loki on earth. One day when visiting ASgard with Thor, Hela meets Frigga Fjorgynndottir and an absolute prophecy is created, to Loki's horror.   The prophecy is realized when one of Thanos's children attempts to kill Loki and Hel ainterferes, sending her back in time and sealing her child-self in the soul stone.   Evnetually Loki is named the Space Stone's person.   When Odin is killed, Hela as an adult returns to create Ragnarok. Loki, Sigyn and Nebula plead with her to remember who she was and the prophecy is realized. This leaves Thor king of ASgard.  Loki is reunited with Fenrir and learns of his true past from Hyrrokkan.  He reunites with his birth mother, apologizing for his birth father's death.   After Ragnarok and Thanos, all the stones gather their people together and Loki protects them from the Universe unmaking itself. When they are threatened by "Those who Sit Above", Loki challenges them and they flee, leaving the stone holders to remake the universe as it was without the outside fate as an influence.   Loki eventually returns to Jotunnheim and is welcomed by Farbauti as the next King and the father of Death herself.


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Loki was born to Laufey and Farbauti in Jotunnheim just as the great war was coming to an end. Odin Borson found/stole him from his home and took him in as his own son.  Only Hyrrokkin knew of his survival.  She feared Odin so much she escaped into Niflheim and stayed there hidden. Frigga was set to raise him as hers. For the infant and toddler years, Baldr Odinson and Hela Lokisdottir posed as his half siblings (not being adopted by Frigga). Then when Odin's warmongers ceased, Hela and Baldr were banished to Niflheim and magically erased from all Asgardian memory.   Loki and Thor Odinson were raised as full siblings with Thor as the elder and in line fo rhte Asgardian throne. Loki was left unaware of his heritage. He had many partners, but only had children with two: Angrboda and Svadilfari. As a young mage, he traveled and met Angrboda. Together they had three children; Fenrir, Jormandr and Hela Lokisdottir. When quite young, Fenrir was kidnapped and never seen again. Eventually Fenrir wandered into Nilfhiem and bonded with Hela.  Fenrir later fell in love with Hyrrikkan and they had 2 children together that Hela helped go to Earth to spawn all the wolf shifters. Desparate to protect Jormandr and Thor from prophecy about Ragnarok, Loki hides Jor, who is later further hidden by Hela.   When Odin learns of the two children Loki fathered so young and without permission (he wanted him to make an advantageous marriage for peace) he forces Loki into a female horse form and to give birth to Sleipnir. Odin claimed the eight-legged beast as his own ride and the horse doens't know who Loki is. Loki cares a great deal for his son, regardless, and hides Hela zealously.   In an attempt to corral Loki, Odin arranges a marriage between Loki and Sigyn Volundrdottir and talks her fahte rinto forcing the marriage follwing the death of her lover Theoric. Rther than be a pawn in the politics, Sigyn flees Asgard for Earth and lives there, most recently born as Verity Willis.   In the unchanged timeline: Loki learned of his heritage, more or less, when during a conflict with his own peope, one of them freezes him, temporarally removing the glamor spell. When he confronted Odin, Odin fell into Odinsleep without saying mroe than Loki was his son. Loki then took the throne and ended up killing Laufey, his biological father in an attempt to prove to Odin that he was loyal. It didn't work and he fell into the void and wasa caught by Thanos.


Loki is openly Polygamous, Demisexual and multi-gendered. In the BDSM scene, Loki is a masochist and rope bunny, but not a very submissive one.


Loki Laufeyson


Towards Angrboda



Towards Loki Laufeyson

Thor Odinson

Adopted Brother

Towards Loki Laufeyson


Loki Laufeyson

Adopted Brother

Towards Thor Odinson


Loki Laufeyson


Towards Nebula




Towards Loki Laufeyson


Loki Laufeyson


Towards Sigyn Volundrdottir


Sigyn Volundrdottir


Towards Loki Laufeyson


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Asgard Future-King of Jotunnheim
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Jotunnheim during the war, Odin stole him and took him back to Asgard
Parents (Adopting)
Angrboda (spouse)
Nebula (Wife)
Thor Odinson (Adopted Brother)
Raven Black
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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