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Thor Odinson

Crown Prince Thor Odinson (a.k.a. Dr Donald Blake, God of Thunder, Thunderer)

In 2006, a letter from Tony Stark about the future arrived on Asgard via Carol Danvers.  The letter alluded to Loki's true parentage and a warning about the future.  Thor went into a rage and , misunderstanding the message, confronted Laufey  in Jotunnheim.  Before he could complete his mission, Odin Borson recalled Thor to Asgard.  Thor informed Odin of his discovery and was concerned about his brother but Odin was greatly angered by Thor's interference.  Odin banished Thor to Earth without his magic or memory.  He switched Thor with a human Donald Blake upon his death, not to access his powers for a decade.   Donald Blake was in the middle of a medical degree in 2006 when he was caught in a meta-human attack and was injured pushing Jane Foster out of hte way. The resulting concussion would have been fatal if not for Odin chosing that moment to inbue his with the Odinforce and the soul of Thor.  Due to the increased sturdiness, Donald Blake recovered with a permanent limp on his leg and complete general Dissociative Amnesia, recalling none of his identity memories of any kind.  Memories about information and skills were retianed and e tested back into his schooling oncehe was on his feet again.  His medical bills were paid by the Maria Stark Foundation and Jane decided to stay at least through some of his recovery.     With Thor's addition tot he personality, the desire to help and the curiosity that Donald had lacked appeared, despite a continued entitlement issue.  Jane found herself liking the newer Donald and slowly she worked with him on the entitlment issue.  They continued to date throughthe end of their graduate work, when Jane proposed to Don.   Don and Jane became close friends with Luke (Loki Laufeyson ) and Siva (Sif Hredasdottir) shortly after their wedding.  By that point Don and Jane were attending Kink Parties under the nicknames Thor and Lady Valkyrie.  They had an on and off third named Keith Kincaid.  Eventually, they would discover that their friends Luke and Siva were into the scene as well and while Luke and Sigyn Volundrdottir (as Silva) were becoming close, Sif joined Jane and Don as their permanent third.   Don and Jane go on a trip to Europe that includes Thor's Birthplace (see movie) where Mjolnir had fled, rejecting Odin's magic.  Don took up Mjolnir and became the mighty Thor in appearnce and ability, but not in memory.  Don and Jane returned to USA and Don became a Hidden MetaHuman   Whenthe Chitauri attack in 2012 happened, Luke, Siva, Silva, Jane, and Don were al lin the city.  Luke and Don became Loki and Thor to enter into battle together, leaving Sif to guard their spouses.   Following this battle, Loki and Sif reveal Thor's past to Thor, whose memory, with Loki's careful help, slowly returns.  Later Thor and Jane confront Sif on her own knowledge and she pleads with them to make her their first guard as Loki is set ot be their first mage.  Thor denies the decision until Jane properly understands what it means.   Jane and Thor eventually give birth to a human child.  The child is eventually given to Keith Kincaid to raise and is killed in a car accident with his father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thor was born shortly before the endof the warring era in Asgard to Odin Borson and Frigga Fjorgynndottir.  When he was an infant, Odin ended the war with Jotunnheim by returning with Loki Laufeyson as Thor's younger brother.  Shortly after Thor's toddler age, Odin banished Baldr Odinson, Thor's half brother, to Niflheim followed by Hela Lokisdottir to guard him.  He then erased all memory of the pair from Asgard.   Thor was raised as the Crown Price of Asgard, pairing often with Loki as a young warrior and Sif Hredasdottir as a trainee.  Upon early adulthood, Thor and Loki parted to begin aprenticeship.  Thor met the Warriors Three during this time and returned to Asgard as a victorious prince.   Loki returned not only as a well educated mage but also as a father.  Odin had punished Loki, not only for having children but for parntering without permission or political gain.  While Loki shared with Thor the existance of his youngest daughter, Hela Lokisdottir, he kept the remaining of his family a secret.  Thor loved his niece and agreed to hide her from all in the court of Asgard.   Donald Blake Donald Blake was a medical student dating Jane Foster in 2006.  He was born to his parents in 1984, with a younger sister.  He grew up a bit self-absorbed and went into medicine to earn money.  He dated Jane near the end of his undergrad and the beginning of his medical studies.  She was preparing to break up with him when the incident happened.  He was in the middle of a medical degree in 2006 when he was caught in a meta-human attack and was injured pushing Jane out of hte way.  The resulting concussion would have been fatal if not for Odin chosing that moment to inbue his with the Odinforce and the soul of Thor.


As the God of Thunder, Thor is also the god of Fertility and thus openly sexual to any consenting adult. As Donald Blake, he is married to Jane Foster and publicly monogamous to protect their careers As Thor in the Kink scene, he is a service top with a great deal of interest in using his powerfully built body to obey his mistresses every desire or to fulfill that of his subs As Thor in the Kink scene, he is demiromantic, pansexual, and polygamous.


Thor completed a warrior's apprenticeship of Asgard and the Crown Prince teachings
Don Blake completed medical school and is a specialist in meta surgery


Thor Odinson


Towards Jane Foster


Jane Foster


Towards Thor Odinson


Thor Odinson

Adopted Brother

Towards Loki Laufeyson


Loki Laufeyson

Adopted Brother

Towards Thor Odinson


Thor Odinson


Towards Sif Hredasdottir


Sif Hredasdottir


Towards Thor Odinson


Current Status
LIving on Earth with Jane and Sif
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Prince of Asgard
King of Asgard
Jane Foster (Wife)
Sif Hredasdottir (Bonded)
Loki Laufeyson (Adopted Brother)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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