The Fox Goddess

As seen in

The Daughter of The Sun Fox Goddess (a.k.a. Solar Fox)

The Fox Goddess is a goddess from the Creation Dynasty, directly descending from the Primordial God - The Sun. The most known from the establishing the pact between her and the people later known as Kitsune Folk.   As a result of her will, The Heavenly Kings ruled The Fox Empire for over three centuries years, changing Kitsune Folk from small nation to one of the most powerful ethnic groups around The Central Sea.

Divine Domains

Sun, ground, stone, protection from the invaders, ruleship


The Golden Light - Divine Weapon, quite short sword wielded by The Fox Goddess. This object could be thought of as inanimate sibling of her, as just like her it is an aspect of The Sun . It was gifted to her by her own ancestor as a way to protect from the other gods. As the Divine Weapon, this object is immune for the effects of reality-warping of the gods. It looks like it would be made out of pure gold.
The Golden Light warps reality in it's own way. Each slash creates small ray of light and heat energy going in the lightspeed forward, blinding an opponent and causing light burns. The most destructive potential of it, however if it is thrown. When flying after throwing for enough of time, it causes great outburst of energy after landing. Outburst result in giant ball of heat that vaporizes every matter around it in quite wide range (could potentially destroy the entire city in an instant) and causes massive burns and fires in the longer distance. Vaporized matter is thrown up in the air in the form of huge cloud and will fall down on the ground later as the rain of dust.   The Golden Light has sort of sibling weapon called The Sun's Judgement , which is also an Aspect of The Sun

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jade - the Holy Stone, and gold the Holy Metal, are the materials considered sacred for this divine. Therefore many religious items and statues are made out of them, or at least covered with them. Jade is also the primary material used for the decoration of shrines and temples dedicated to her.   Colors of dark green and dark yellow are often used in iconography, representing jade and gold.   Relatively common symbol is a simpified image of the sun - golden circle surrounded by the shape of the light rays coming out of it.


During regular year time:
  • 10th day of the First Autumn month - in the lands of the Fox Empire, the harvest usually start around that date, therefore the public celebration dedicated to the Fox Goddess is held, primarily in the more prominent villages. During this ceremony, people are giving out to the poor and needing the renmants of the older produce, often going fasting before the new harvest will arrive (this custom is naturally not followed if there is a risk of famine). The songs are performed on the streets, conveying the gratitude to the Fox Goddess as the one who helped making the soil fertile which provided people with the food and to The Sun as the giver of the light which made the crops grow and the parent of the patron godddess. Often, other gods, like Raiden-Yuki, are celebrated in days after that, but the first one is dedicated to the Daughter of the Sun.
  • 1st day of the First Spring month - in the lands of the Fox Empire, the sowing is done around that date. Similar celebrations are held, focusing on the publically setting up lanters sybolising the triumph of the Sun over the nights of winter and having the pulic feasts. The aspect of the ancestry of the Fox Goddess is more prominent in the celebrations here
During the Holiday Period, the celebrations in the cities are performed. During which the public prayers happen, lead by the Jade Priests. The prayers are praising to the Fox Goddess as the protecttor of the realm and the one whose will makes the Sakata kings ruling. The acts symoblizing the submission to the Fox Goddess and the Sakata Heavenly Kings are performed

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The protection of the people of The Fox Empire (or in wider sense: Kitsune Folk, and other people that would come into their societies) in exchange for following the rules of the Jade Pact, that is - loyalty towards The Fox Goddess and The Heavenly King appointed by her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Fox Goddess is resembling young, adult Human woman of the average posture. Some fox-like features can be seen.

Identifying Characteristics

Orange-furred fox-like ears in the sides of her head, fox-like teeth, fluffy fox tail with orange fur.

Special abilities

Manipulation of Jade - she possesses immense knowledge and understanding of the material structure of the jade. This allows her to rearrange this mineral at will (changing its shape as she pleases), sometimes even creating new jade objects out of nothing (this however is much more tiring).   Terrain modification - she can alter surrounding terrain to a degree. Usually that can mean changing ground level in specific place, forming simple (yet possibly massive) structures from the dirt and rocks. It is possible for her to create an earthquake, but that requires more effort from her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Fox Goddess showed up upon the world at around 83 years before the Jade Pact, first time spotted nearby the north-eastern shores of the Central Sea. She got the knowledge what she is and what is her nature by her direct ancestor, The Sun .   The goddess lived next to various peoples in the region, usually not much organized. She was just wanting to live simple life, getting to know more about the world and how to use her divine capabilities. Years were passing and her contact with the peoples grew more intense. She couldn't ignore the fact that members of different groups of people sometimes were arguing, beating and hurting each other. Eventually, the goddess proposed to become a mediator in the next conflict. The proposition was accepted.   Sadly, she couldn't resolve it. After analyzing the situation, she couldn't think of the just solution. She didn't believe that forcing the people into the peace is the correct way. Instead, she decided to focus on understanding humans better in order to make the decisions later on.   Decades were passing and the conflicts grew. The heart of a goddess was metaphorically bleeding. She decided it should come another time to be the mediator. She failed another time. Years of learning turned out to not help at all. The ideas of using the approach of the brute force showed up, but she still refused to give in.   Eventually conflicts turned into wars. The goddess, again, couldn't stand it. She has seeked the way to mediate, but noticed that no one was interested in peace anymore, only in winning. With the one exception. One of the commanders in the one of tribes, named Sakata (later known as Sakata The First ) seem to aim for coexistence, but was forced into fight by the other leaders. Immediately, she  started making deals with him. The goddess realised that sometimes the force needs to be used to prevent the conflict. She openly allied with Sakata.   Eventually, she helped him banish the other leaders with most of their tribes, remnants of which were integrated. After that fact, the people of Sakata, and not just Sakata himself, started seeing her as their ally - and the patron goddess. She had the fox-like features so she started being reffered to as "The Fox Goddess".   The people were starting to building a temple dedicated to The Fox Goddess. She told them the best material would be the rock was the most fond of and understood the most - jade. The construction and the function of the temple caused the unorganized tribes to create a city around it. The first script was also created in order to record The Fox Goddess words if needed. On top of being warrior and military commander, Sakata become the highest priest of the temple and also - the leader of the people.   The years passed, the city has flourished, due to Sakata’s rule and the help of The Fox Goddess, but eventually the leader died and left his only son that was to little to rule by himself. People weren’t sure what to do next. Some influential figures tried to take the position for themselves, but The Fox Goddess intervened. She declared that young son of Sakata will now rule over the city. Knowing that the situation like that can repeat later on, she made the pact between her and the people directly. According to that pact, a descendant of the Sakata will always be the one which gets blessing of The Fox Goddess and no one outside that family shall assume the throne. In exchange, The Fox Goddess offered eternal protection for the people, as the Daughter of The Sun. She made, out of thin air, the jade plate with the written words of the The pact to be publicly displayed. This event and this plate was called "The Jade Pact". From now on, the people started calling themselves “People of the Fox” or, how they are better known “Kitsunejin” or Kitsune Folk . City was now called after the material of the pact: “Jade”, or, how it is known: “Hisui ".   The Fox Goddess protected the city-state, that slowly grew into a bigger nation, settling people further and further. When it came into conflict with other countries, she stood behind it. When there was a risk of a civil war, she intervened.    Around that time the country started being known as "The Fox Empire and the Sakata rulers as The Heavenly Kings.   Many years has passed and the nation grew immesly. Due to the constant Fox Goddess support, together with the nation, the powers of the Sakata kings over it also grew. No internal conflict has been a thing and all external threats were being repelled.   One time, Heavenly King died, leaving many children. Usually, The Fox Goddess would just chose one of them to be the next one, but this time she had two candidates in mind. She couldn't decide which one to support, so she declared that they and their people must make that choice and she will support whatever they would come up with as long as one of the brothers will be a ruler.   Brotherly Civil War was the result of that indeciveness. The Fox Goddess, which many years ago tried to stop conflict now was just standing by. The people made their decision, after all within her judgement. Whatever they would come up with, she would choose. That young idealistic goddess was no longer here. She accepted harsh reality long time ago. Sometimes, people just suffer. She made the best decision, she convinced herself. It is they who are doing this to themselves. They got some freedom.   The war was over and The Fox Goddess wasn't happy of the new system that was implemented. Still, she did nothing. That is their choice, she thought. She would be eager to act in any other way... but not in this case. She gave the people her word and she was going to respect their decision.


The Fox Goddess is asexual. She might have interests in forming intimate non-sexual relationship with someone else regardless of their sex. Some people could classify that as romantic relationship, however she herself doesn't really differentiate that kind of relationship from the really close friendship.

Morality & Philosophy

From the beginning, she valued cooperation, harmony and set order while despised the conflict. Those values were also the ones she wanted to see people she met to live by, making her involved in diplomacy and politics.   Initially idealistic, harsh reality of managing societies made her reconsider her stances. She realized that in order for those ideas to be present in wider community, sometimes decisions leading to seemingly opposite results need to be done.   While trying to keep those harsh decisions at the minimum, she accepts them. When she conclude decision like that should be done, she feels no remorse for any of the results, even unintended.

Personality Characteristics


Apart of her morality and stated goals, on the personal level her main motivation is seeing everyone around her living life with a purpose and harmony. In her dreams she would just live in peace, surrounded by satisfied people and having great time with her loved ones.   Unfortunately, for her, reality seem to reject this idea. She still clings to the remnants of hope that one day she may achieve something close to this for good.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

In order to protect herself and use the weapon gifted to her, she studied the arts of the sword. While far from being master of it, her sword fighting skills and knowledge of various marital arts makes her quite challenging fighter.   One of her passions is geology. Studying ground and rocks. She posses advanced knowledge about structures, types, usages and various properties of the ground and minerals. Out of them, the one she knows the most is Jade.   Talented musician, she is quite savvy in terms of playing lyre and singing.   Over the years, she gained expertise in diplomacy due to her experience. Details of human politics however are not fully clear for her due to her more divine perspective.   If there is one thing she cannot get grasp of, it is anything relating to numbers. As the result, mathematics and economy lay way beyond the area of her expertise.   In tries of understanding natural world, she has hard time fully understanding anything that is not in the solid state.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Spending time with her friend
  • Singing and playing lyre
  • Friendly sword duels
  • Reading poems and listening to the ballads
  • Seeing people around her in peace and harmony
  • Decoration made out of jade
  • Conflict
  • Numbers
  • Thunders, rains and storms

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite outlook of the judgmental and possessive figure, she displays loyalty and genuine care towards people under her protection.   She's open to people she consider "friend" and is not afraid of entering intimate (platonic) relations if she feels lonely.   The Fox Goddess also was forgiving and assuming the good will of the others. Those traits became downplayed due to her experiences, however.

Vices & Personality flaws

In the past her idealism was quite naive. It got tempered over the years due to her experiences, but it is still inside her.   Years of being involved in politics combined with her perspective as a goddess, not a human made her accept that sometimes harsh decisions needs to be done and the consequences of one's action shall be fullfilled. That makes her prone feel no compassion and ignoring suffering when it is the result of her actions, even unintended, like Brotherly Civil War.   It doesn't stop her from questionnig them and wondering about her goals, even if she will do nothing about it, leading to her having a surprisingly high ammount of self-doubt for someone so confident.


Family Ties



sister (Vital)

Towards The Fox Goddess



The Fox Goddess

sister (Vital)

Towards Nikitsune




Both sisters lived together since they were emerged from The Sun. For many years they were genuinely supporting each other and being really close. The older one, later known as The Fox Goddess , was more idealistic, friendly and talkative, while younger one, later known as Nikitsune , was much more pragmatic and action-oriented. It didn't hurt their relationship at all, they both thought their different personalities complimented each other, even if they sometimes would ignore each other advices.   Decades were passing and both sisters decided to ally with Sakoto The First and his people. This was the first crack between them. More sociable The Fox Goddess managed to gather much greater fame among Sakoto's people which resulted to younger sister being known as essentially "the second one", despite putting just as much effort into this.   Eventually, Nikitsune didn't become even a full side in any of the agreements. It was The Fox Goddess which gain all of fame and praise. It was The Fox Goddess that people were making pacts with and worshipped. Nikitsune fully faded into the background, deemed to be forgotten sooner or later. All of her achievements were being mainly attributed to The Fox Goddess. Sisters acted as two, on equal terms, but only one got recognition.   After years of that, Nikitsune grew resentful. The relationship became cracking more and more. They still maintained image of cooperative sisters, but it was far from the truth at this point. Sisters stopped being close. They stopped helping each other to the degree they were, they stopped telling each other about their feelings. They grew distant. While The Fox Goddess still felt sympathy towards younger sister, despite not being as close as they were claiming publicly, Nikitsune outright disliked her older sister.   Eventually, The Fox Goddess started to trying to fill the void that was left. She managed to get really close to one of daughters of the Heavenly King, who happened also to be a priestess of her. They became close friends, a goddess and human.   Eventually, Nikitsune wasn't able to stand her situation. She now wanted to make her sister suffer. She attacked the priestess that The Fox Goddess befriended, killing her. This events hurt The Fox Goddess, but what hurt her the most wasn't the loss of a friend. It was the realization that pact between sisters and their people, according to which they were supposed to protect them, was effectively broken and now, Nikitsune is just a threat for them. The Fox Goddess realized some things needs to be done. She defeated Nikitsune in combat and executed her.   There was only one witness of the execution - another god, the young son of Nikitsune. He knew the situation between sisters was hard, so he didn't protested. He knew there must be a reason... but it was painful for him anyways. After the fact both him and The Fox Goddess didn't directly met and spoke. They didn't hate each other and weren't hostile, but preferred to avoid each other. For both this topic was too painful

Divine Classification
Date of Birth
123 BJ
Year of Birth
Long, red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undefined skin, orange fur on fox-like body parts
161 cm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: by Kuba/VladPrus


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