
Being is an individual existence capable of influencing other existances on it's own. A single being can belong to one of the two categories: Transcendent and Law-abbiding.   Transcendent beings are those which are not found directly in the territory of the Law and whose don't affect the territory directly, only by manifesting Aspects of theirs as the Law-abbiding beings. The most prominent Transcendent beings are Vastness and the Four Concepts.   Law-abbiding beings are those which essence is limited by the structure imposed by the Law. On the other hand, it makes them being able to interact withing other beings in the Law territory directly.   The structure of a Law-abbiding being can be divided into the three components:
  • Aspect - the reason why the being is
  • Form - the definition of what the being is
  • Body - the implementation of the being within the Law
Each being, both Transcendent and Law-abbiding is made into itself as the Aspect of something else. The only exception if the Vastness which is the original source of every being that exists. The Four Concepts - Creation, Destruction, Life and Cognition are the four Aspects of the Vastness. How much they can be consider truley separate beings from the Vastness is a issue of debate, since they don't follow the entire structure of the Law-abbiding ones. Anything else that exists was made as one of the Aspects of a Concept.   Vastness (Transcendent) -> Concepts(Transcendent) -> other beings (Law-abbiding)   The structure of the Law-abbiding being is made when the Aspect gets differentiated from the rest of the being strong enough that it spawns unique Form. The Form in this case is the blueprint of a completly separate being, it's the idea of that being in the raw sense, free from the influence of the other beings acting within the Law, but the Form by itself cannot affect them as well. The Form than projects itself as the matter. This projection of the Form is reffered to as Body. Bodies are directly affected by other beings within the Law, but still contain the direct relation to the Form. If the Form would change, the body would follow to reflect that Form. The discrepancy between the Form and the Body is most of the time a result of the Body receiving the damage from various sources. Besides being the projection of the form, the Body serves one more important function - it is binding the Aspect to itself, maitaining it's differentiation. The whole structure is only stable when those three elements are present:  
  • Aspect spawn and affects Form
  • Form projects Body
  • Body binds Aspect
Each of components is not enough to be considered beings on their own:
  • Aspect by itself is on an individual part of reality, but rather, a side of the other being that it's originating from, it needs being binded by The Body
  • Form by itself cannot affect any other parts of an existance, usually it needs an Aspect to project The Body
  • The Body is only a reflection of the Form, ceasing to being part of an existence if no Form is present
  Death of the being occurs when the structure stops holding together. Usually it happens, because of Body taking enough damage to not be able of binding an Aspect to itself, which results of differianted Aspect collapsing or decoupling (depends on the type of an Aspect) from the Form. Decoupled Form becomes stagnant, unable to achieve the change and drifts away from the remains of the Body onto the Plains of the Dead. The Body is left behind and it stops being the projection of that Form (generally it changes to being the projection of another form - for example the Body of a "human" after Death becomes the Body of the inanimate being reffered to as "corpse").   The Law-abbiding beings can be divided into the two categories, depenend on the nature of their Aspects:
  • Collective Aspect - shared among the beings of the same kind
  • Individual Aspect - belonging to the specific being and only that being alone
Beings with the Collective Aspects are those that were created as the "kind" of it's own. All being of the same "kind" are sharing the exact same Aspect, that spawns and affects multiple unique Forms, equal in number to the number of the Bodies which are collectively binding it. Collective Aspects are able to act only within strict limits of the Law. Examples of the beings with the Collective Aspects:
  • Humans - with Collective Aspect originating from the Concept of Creation
  • Fish - with Collective Aspect originating from the Concept of Cognition
  • Corpse - with Collective Aspect originating from the Concept of Life
  • Flame - with Collective Aspect originating from the Concept of Destruction
Beings with the Individual Aspects are those that were created to be separate being on thier own, without much relation of the "kinds". As the Aspect is spawning and maintaining only one Form by design, their abilities to affect other beings are much greater than those owning the Collective Aspects. They can alter the reality outside of the scope of the Law, as long as the end result will be theoretically able of following the Law (creating perpetum mobile seem not being possible, for exmaple). This ability is directly dictated by the Individual Aspect's understanding of the subject altered (in the case of the animate beings of this category) or by the pre-established specific and limited patters (in the case of the inanimate beings of this category). The other limitation is that this reality alteration cannot affect the beings with Individual Aspect other than the one altering. Bodies of those beings are specific, material and entirely functional, but they are not following the Law fully - they can be affected by other Law-abbiding beings (and get damaged), yet they are maintaining themselves indifinitely. The death from hunger or the old age is alien to them. If animate and intelligent, those beings can also differiate their own Aspects into the separate one, granting them ability of making the more beings of this category.   The beings with an Individual Aspects are generally reffered to as "gods " (if animate) or "divine objects" (if inanimate). Gods that are directly the Aspects of the four Concepts are known as Primordial Gods . The rest of gods are the descendants of them.


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