
As seen in

The Great Protector of Kosui Mizu of Shinyama (a.k.a. AQVARIA)

Mizu is a goddess from the Creation Dynasty, living on a summit of Shinyama nearby the city Kosui. She, alongside her brother Sakusen is worshipped there as the city patron and the defender. The pair is known together as the Divine Siblings.

Divine Domains

She's mostly prayed to with the matters related to the water of all kinds, including the running stremas, the lakes of enormous size, underground reservoirs and the rains falling from above. Her knowledge of human anatomy and the healing prowess made her the patron of health and the medicine. She commands hospitality and is known to be guardian of it as well.   She also can be seen as being associated with two types of skills:
  • arts
  • swordfighting (to lesser extent, as her brother, Sakusen, takes the higher degree of association with combat prowess)


She's known of creating the Divine Weapon - extremly long and thin, two-handed sword with blue-colored blade known as The Dancing Wave. She's known for wielding it during the first defense against Arashii-no-Ryuu in the 596th year of the Jade Era.   The blade is said to be over one and a half meters long, it's shape is straight and has two edges. The metal has blue color and it has been noted that all non-divine mattetr touching it's edge becomes pure and clear water in the exact place of the cut, allowing for the immediate and easy slashing through nearly anything.   The sword is known to be in Mizu's possession.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Protection of the city of her family, the people of Kosui and the surrounding area

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mizu ressembles medium-sized human woman of the impressive beauty and the perfect physical condition down to her every movement. Her hair and eyes are seemingly following different Law than the rest of the Beings, showing water-like qualities but only seemingly.

Identifying Characteristics

The most prominent ones are her hair and her eyes. Both have the color of strong Azure, clearly unhuman and ressembling the surface of clear water.   Her hairstyle is not really a hairstyle, she just let's it loose. Each strand of hair is moving on it's own, as if it was moved by the movements of waters surrounidng it, even if there is no body of water at all. They overall move as if Mizu herself was always wholy submerged.   Her eyes are showing the patterns ressembling the waves on the water surface, they are reported to be incredibely present in the human minds, focusing all of the attention of the observer's consciousness purely on them.   Mizu's voice also sounds slightly more harmonious than that of a human to the degree that, while comepltly and clearly understandable it still creates inhuman impression.

Apparel & Accessories

Her typical clothing consists of the loose, flowy, sleeveless white dress, in the style ressembling that of the Old Yamaian. It's generally worn in a way that would make easy to discard it quickly if the situation nessecitate that, for example during he fight, where the dress would limit the movements.   Underneath the dress, Mizu wears dark blue, rather tight outfit, specifically for the purpose of giving the range of movement during martial arts. It covers most of the body including the legs, but is sleeveless.   Jewelry is sometimes used, when she doesn't expect fighing, but is rather limited in scope.   Mizu is exclusively barefoot, due to the stability and movement control during the fights combined with the fact that as a goddess, she doesn't really need protection on the feet. Sometimes, she wears, static, unintrusive jewelry on her ankles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She shares the most of her history with her brother Sakusen together as Divine Siblings.   Known by the Old Yamaians under the name of "AQVARIA", which was later adapted by Yamajin as "Akulya". Eventually, she got Kitsune name "Mizu", sharing simmilar meaning with her older one.


Asexual, like most of the gods.

Mental Trauma

Alongside her brother, she suffers from the grief of the loss of the group of gods they considered a family including their father, Caelus Pater . As the result, she is over-protective over their current dominion and the fathful.

Personality Characteristics


Long time ago, the only thing that motivated her was to travel with her brother, seeking the excitement of adventures.   After their friends and family got slaughtered, the safety and order of whatt she already has became the main drive. Morever, she also inhabits the strong sense of justice and the desire of seeking her faithul and retainers living happily. Mizu is also motivated by the striving for perfection in the both martial and creative arts. She especially treats the topic of the way of the sword extremly seriously.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Among her talents, her impressive sword fighting abilities are among the most prominent as the defender of Kosui. She have reached master of using extremly long, two handed blades, although the other ones can be used with the simmilar grace. Her skills vastly outshine the regular human fighters.   She's also well renown for her paintings and sculpture, being gifted the artistic talent. She can use her hands for it, but most of the time she actually aavoids doing it. Most of her works are made by her directly altering the reality, bypassing the need for the manual imput all together, projecting her thoughs and ideas onto canvas or stone.   She's well-versed in the human anatomy and the way the human bodies are working. Her knowledge and the understanding can be used by her in various ways. She can fix the broken bodies, harm them further or alter them in various directions, achieving the new art forms with the human flesh. According to her, unfortunately, physically breaking humans is way easier than fixing them.   Mizu posses the vast knowledge of the topic of water, which she uses to make it her tool she can use whatever she wants. Her skills in that regard are most often the primary topic of the prayers of her faithful.   She's really bad in the board games, despite her playing a lot with her brother. She's also terrible with most of manual labor not realted to her areas of expertise and would gladly just alter the reality, no matter how much effort it would take rather than just use her own hands. After spending her all centuries-long life barefoot, she's exceptionally clumsy if she wears any footwear. She rejects any attempt of learnig walking with it, making her habit mandatory. She has mental problems with understanding completly dry and solid matter.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Her brother and retainers
  • Making art
  • Sword fighting
  • Caring about others
  • Guests
  • Interesting people
  • Her own beauty
  • Board games
  • Betrayal
  • Threat to anyone and anything she hold dear
  • Disrespecting the blade
  • Magical arts
  • Dry environments
  • Manual works
  • Shoes
  • Board games

Virtues & Personality perks

Mizu is genuinely caring and tries to maintyain friendly relationship with her brother and other divine retainers of Shinyama. Moreover, despite not really understanding humans to full extent, she treats them as people and shows them real compassion, very often more than humans higher in the hierarchy shows others under them. She also is well aware of her limitations because of that lack of relatedness. she barely enforces any rules directly on a human society, even if she considers the people of Kosui her subjects. Friendly and full of compassion even for the most of criminals, onnce they manage to talk with her. She's willing to give second chances, provided they show real attempt of changing the ways of life. Quite creative and friendly.

Vices & Personality flaws

Unapologetic whens she thinks her convictions are right, even when it comes to rather petty things. She can be deadly serious about topics many would think as not really that important. Few people has managed to lose their lives in a few seconds via the sword slash by saying wrong words or doing incorrect actions in the proximity of Mizu. Downplaying the importantce of the blade can be the most dangerous thing (including undirectly asking her of unsheathing the sword in a wrong circumstances), next to making active threats to either Kosui, Shinyama or people living there, humans or gods.   She can get rather whiny and annoying about things she personally dislikes. Im moments like that she's extremely stubborn and refuses to cooperate.   If you push her hard enough via your betrayal, she feels no remorse and shows zero mercy.


Family Ties

Prayed for the matters of:

  • water of all kinds
  • health and medicine
  • hospitality
  • arts
  • swordfighting
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Divine Sister, The Great Protector, The Lady of Hospitality, The Sovereign Sister, The Rain Lady, The Restorer of Health, the Maker of Beauty
Date of Birth
After the Old Yamaians established themselves and long centuries before the Kitsune colonization
Azure, waving as if she was floating underwater
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
At least: All fluently


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