
Daimahabu (great demonic viper) - is a god descending from the Celestial Serpent living in the land The Fox Empire. She has the shape of the giant, multi-headed snake and is mostly treated by Kitsune Folk with fear. With the exception of Kawa-no-Ryuukami and his children, most of the dragons present in the land of the Fox are the descendants of Daimahabu.

Tenets of Faith

She is not worshipped by anyone, only treated with fear.

Divine Goals & Aspirations


Physical Description

Body Features

She ressembles giant, long venomous snake with three heads and the dark purple scales. Her body also posses two short legs. EAch had has two long venom fangs, glowing bright yellow eyes and a pair of giant auroch-like horns.

Special abilities

Defence excellence - Daimahabu is knowledgeble about sold materials and various means of defence such as armor. As the consequence, she is able to manipulate the matter around her to quickly form really effective armor and mainatin it. When maintaining, she constantly makes the state of thwe armor essentially constant. The other gods have much harder time breaking it than they would have with usual non-divine armor, but creation and maintenence is a drain for Daimahabu's body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the past she did something to earn the fear of Kitsune Folk . She also create draconic descendants in various points in time. Details unknown.   Current place of her residence and actions are also a mystery.

Morality & Philosophy

Details are not known, but she's infamous for being highly dangerous to others. If there is some philosophy related to this fact, it's a one's guess.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Bright yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple scales


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