
Mashiin  (demonic cause of death) is a goddess of the Destruction Dynasty and the descendant of Daimahabu active in Southern and Eastern parts of The Fox Empire. She has a shape of giant serpent and thus, bears a title of a dragon. Commonly associated with murder and criminal activities, worship of her is mostly outlawed by The Fox Empire, but it's common among oni living there.

Divine Domains

Among Hisuijin from the South and East commonly associated with murder, killing, stealing and various kinds of criminal activities.   Among oni from the same regions, she's mainly associated with hunting and fighting prowess.   She is also associated various forms of taboo behaviors like cannibalism or sexual assault.

Tenets of Faith

If you want the support in kill or murder or stealing, pray for her. You will get from her the condition - the sacrifice she might want. Accepted sacrfiices inculde self-harm, mutiliation of others and of the self, life of the others, making other despicable act.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Supporting people in harming others.

Physical Description

Body Features

Long, gaint serpent-like body with no limbs covered with dark gray scales. On top of her head she has two straight horns. Her eyes are glowing in a color of bloody red.

Special abilities

Seamless puppeteering - she can steer the movement of the bodies of people extremly close to her in such way that those movements seem completly natural. Primarily usege of her for it is to enchance movements of those asking for the help. This help, however is used priarily in people wanting to hurt each other in the events like aiming the arm holding a knife to pierce vital organs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Initially worshipped by the early Kitsunejin, however she quickly fallen out of favor due to the fact those praying to her asked for support in things like killing or stealing. Worship was already oulawed when the Province Period started, which caused Mashiin to hold a grudge for The Fox Goddess. However, various criminals in the Southern and Eastern Regions kept praying for her in time of need.   After those events, she went the steps of her mother and she decided to hide somewhere, affecting the world mainly through her worshippers. She also diverted much more focus on the oni rather than humans, although due to their limited empathy, it isn't as satifying for her.

Personality Characteristics


Mashiin is utterly fascinated by the psyche of people who hurt the other ones. Watching them killing or stealing is a source of the great etertainment. As a sadist, she also finds pleasure in them suffering.  She gets the most satisfaction from watching someone gradually fall into the depravation of becoming the selfish monster and struggling with their own conscience and empathy. For those reasons, she isn't finidng oni to be as interesting as humans, although she still has many oni which she likes.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Demonic Serpent, Deamon of Murder, Bloodthirsting One, Distrupter
Glowing bloody red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark gray scales


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