
Kawa-no-Ryuukami (Dragon god of the river) is one of the gods worshipped by the Hisuijin people. He's responsible for the creation and maintaining of the source of the three rivers in The Fox Empire (all of which begin in the City of Hisui) and his children inhabits them, one each, helping with the flow of it. because of that, he's one of the god reverence to which is considered crucial, despite it being very localized to the city of Hisui.   He's the descendant of the Celestial Serpent and bears a title of a dragon.   His place of residence is The Submerged Palace under Hisui which is located inside the cave filled with water, deep under the city of Hisui.

Divine Domains

In order from more universal and direct to more and more symbolic and derrived from the role of the other ones:
The three rivers, the source, sailing, transport, trading, messages, long-distance communication   The three river aspect is the most important, as he takes a role of the supreme king of all three of them, that is responsible for maintainting their flow in general.


The Bowl of the Source - it's the stone bowl containng river pebbles. It has no special properties, it has symbolic meaning. It is believed among the faithful that those are the pebbles created in the first year of the flow of the rivers in the area of the City of Hisui. It represents the begginings of the dragon's gift and is revered in the Parent Dragon Shrine in Hisui .

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three snakes joined by tail and coming to separate direction each - symbolizes the Three Rivers and their common orgin.   Dragon statues made out of the stone are also used, with those made out of the blue-colored material beaing valued the most.

Tenets of Faith

Don't disturbe the water of the rivers in the borders of the City of Hisui. Don't throw anything to the river stream there and don't attempt to block it in any ways.   Respect the shrines devoted to Kawa-no-Ryuukami and his children, by making a small prayer if you pass them.   Any more complex rituals and tenents are done by the Tri-river Dragon Priesthood.


The Third Day of the Holiday Period is dedicated to him. During that time, in Hisui the Tri-river Dragon Priesthood performs the rituals of Triple River Procession which consists of making procession among the Hisuian shrines dedicated to the rivers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He's goal seem to be maintaining the flow of the rivers. Hisuijin assume, the purpose of that is to allow for the City of Hisui to prosper and maintain it's influence. It is commonly believed that Kawa-no-Ryuukami started doing that because of the agreement with the The Fox Goddess, but only the gods in question know what rally happened.   In terms of actions, Kawa-no-Ryuukami seem to not be much concerned about things not related to his realm and the Three Rivers.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gaint, long serpentine body covered with with dark, blue scales. Has fours limbs, each with four clawed digits. Nearby the nose, there are two long whiskers, ressembling that of a catfish. On top of his head there are two capreolus-like horns. His both eyes are vibrant green and glowing. Larger than his children.

Special abilities

Freshwater manipulation - Kawa-no-Ryuukami is knowledgeble about the freshwater and is able to manipulate it in all sort of ways, including puryfying it, changing it's course or even creating more out of nothing. He has been spotten to use that water to create underground tunnels with it's pressurize flow.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • His children
  • Clean water
  • His home
  • Underground tunnels
  • Disturbing rivers
  • Tresspassers in his territory
  • Anyone who would do anything to his children

Virtues & Personality perks

Happy with the humanity, he genuinely is fond of the fact that the rivers of his are so useful.   If one respect his boundries, he is unlikely to do harm to that person and can even help someone if he thinks that someone is gneuine about the prayer.

Vices & Personality flaws

He's incredibebly prideful and boastful. He's is prone to bragging about how much he is loved and how he is useful.   Besides that, he is inredibely petty when it comes to tresspassers or someone who offended him. Unfortunately for those, he is also pretty wrathful when that happens.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dragon god of the river, Dragon king, River king, The Soverign of Three Streams, Dragon Father, Father of The Three, Sustainer of The Movement
Vibrant green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue scales


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