
Oohemi (large serpent) is god from the Destruction Dynasty and the descendant of the Daimahabu, who was active in the land of The Fox Empire. He was considered the threat for the people living there and eventually made an enemy out of god Raiden-Yuki and was slain by him.

Tenets of Faith

Oohemi was never worshipped by anyone.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gaint, serpent-like body with four short limbs, six heads and nine tails, covered with red scales. On each head there is a pair of purple eyes and a pair of capreolus-like horns.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is not known much about his origin, besides being a child of Daimahabu. What is known is that one day he came nearby one village in the Western Mountains. Initially, he was just wandering around and claimed a nearby cave. People were concerned, not knowing what he was planning. Few weeks has passed and the newcomer was staying. People started to get used to him, but they prayed to him, still fearing him a bit.   Those fears turned out to not be baseless. One day, a group of four children decided to check the cave of the dragon on their own. This adventure ended up with one of the children being swallowed alive, while the rest were watching powerless and unable to leave. He told to them that to tell people inn the village that this incident was a grave insult so they need to be properly punished. His demands were that once in a month, a child from the village should be brought in front of the cave for him to eat them. Refusing to comply would bring more insults and worse consequences. Parts of his demands were also that those children he was telling to should get priority to be the next sacrifices. He ended saying that he will await on one of them the next month. The three children came back to the village, crying, saying the news. Villagers were terified, but decided to comply for the next three times. After all, those children were intruders and his desire to punish them, while cruel, seemed justifiable. Three months later, the last of the intruders was eaten.   After that, the villagers were sitll in fear, but this time they really didn't want to pick a new sacrfiice, they would be innocent. No one was send. Oohemi was angered and from now on, he attacked and killed anyone form the village that took a step outside of it, sometimes sending survivors back to remind them of sacrifices. This time, the demand was one for a week. Eventually, they comply. More and more children were being send to end their lives inside the stomach of the dragon.   The village functioned like that for the few more months, untill a mysterious visitor appeared. He had red beard and covered himself with a cloak. While stoppin in the village, he learned about the situation. Initrigued, he decided to investigate. He got to know details about the next sacrifice. He ended up sneakingly watching as the frightned child was being escorted in front of the cave by a warrior. The warrior than called the dragon and left as soon as the serpents heads showed up. The child tried to run away, but one of the draconic tails grabbed their ankle. The visitor was looking at the whole scene, hidden and when there was no child to be seen anymore he knew the details are real. He decided to contront the dragon, at first with words: "What do you want to achieve here, the child of Destruction? Is this a reason for this terror?" Oohemi introduced himself as the son of Daimahabu. He also responded for the question by explaining how he was wronged by the village. The visitor only responded: "But you took revenge for those who did this. Anyone more is not needed." Oohemi laughed and said that the village still didn't learn how to treat him well enough and added: "Aren't you a god as well? Why do you care about who they worship and what sacrifices they use?" "The village don't want to follow you, child of Destruction. They only see a monster that needs to be kept in check." "Soon they will accept." The visitor knew that serpent was right. Humans are able to acept harsh things if they ecounter them often enough. Who cares is some child get's killed? The whole village lives, after all and you most likely didn't have any strong feeling towards the child. It's a pity, but it's just life. Yet, he also knew that they would prefer otherwise. He came back to the village and asked again, especially those willing to accept. We realized that his suspicions were true - even those who mind the less would be happy if the demon disappeared.   Visitor waited another week and he sneaked bedind the next sacrifice, just like before. This time, however he came out of his hiding just before the child was about to be put in the maw and said: "Stop right there! I was thinking about this situation and I decided that I cannot let you continue, child of Destruction" Dragon responed with irritated voice: "Is this a threat? I'm not going to stop." "You really want to face me? Are you really that strong as you present to the village?" "You're going that far for... humans? Unbelievable. You're as much as a joke of a god as that foxy sun-daughter. Are you really going to die for them?" "Someone is." The dragon was clearly unsure. After a while of thinking he said: "Fine, I will stop. But... this one is mine. They already gave me the sacrifice I think you will agree that it belongs to me?" "As much as I would want otherwise, fine. Do as you want with what they offered to you. But you stop any further demands for them, right?" "Fine. Now, go away and let me enjoy what is mine."   The visitor came back to the village. Days were passing, but nothing seem change. People were still talking and preparing the next sacrifice. When the day came, he again sneaked behind. This time with storm clouds gathering in the sky.   He jumped off like a week ago, before the child was about to be devoured, and said: "You broke your word! The sacrifices was about to be stopped." "Are you still there? I hoped you would leave... Well, if it's about to end like that..." The dragon quickly crushed child's body with one of his many jaws. The visitor had no time to react, but it was clear now that the fight was unavoidable.   The visitor turned out to be much harder opponent than Oohemi has suspected. The thunders were hears, the lightning were seen. Even the huge beam of light was spoted in a place where was the cave. This was also the end the Oohemi. The vistor brought back to the village the heads of the dragon and exposed himself to the villagers as Raiden-Yuki , a god who commands storms and blizzards. From now on, his fame only grew more.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
God (dragon)
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Raiden-Yuki
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red scales


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