
Concepts are a group of transcendent Beings that nearly every othery other being descends from directly or indrectly, through possessing an Aspect that is an Aspect of one of it. The only exception being the Vastness, as every one of the concept is considered by itself an Aspect of the Vastness.   In short: nearly every being can be derrived from one of the Concepts.   Beings which posses an Individual Aspect of a Concept are referred to as Primordial Gods. From the persepctive of the Concepts, Primordial Gods serve a purpose of being ("being" here is used as a verb not as a noun) the indirect way they affect Law territory, by emboding an idea that is related to a Concept.   Every single Collective Aspect is an Aspect of a Concept directly. Beings possessing Collective Aspects are the way for the Cencepts to fill Law territory with something that could follow the Law.   Due to their trasnscendence, the Concepts are hard to describe in any meaningful way, beyond stating what descends from them. In fact, even their own status as a separate beings can be called into question, as they could be just as well to be considering "personalities", "goals", "faces" of the Vastness.   The Law itself can be derrived from the fact of their existance.   The Concepts and they they represent in relation to the Law and the philosophical ideas are:
  • Creation - the idea of making and adding: making complex out of simple, making sure everything around will grow by support
  • Destruction - the idea of deleting and crunbling: making simple out of complex, making sure everything around will be limited by domination
  • Life - the idea of making a cohesive structure out of creating and destroying, limiting growth for individual to ensure the growth of everything in a long term: the oragnism and the closed system, making one out of many, the collectivist thinking
  • Cognition - the idea of requiring the mind and thinking to make a meaning, the perception of an idividual is what gives a point for the existance, the individualistic thinking
Creation makes things grow, Destruction limits the growth, Life imposes order into the process of limiting and allowing growth to make a unit out of the individual things, Cognition ensure that there is a point to the rest through the individual minds.   Each Concpet has it's own sapient species possesing a collective aspect of it as it's designated People. The Peoples of each Concept have easier time Connecting with the gods of the corresponding Dynasty.


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