Detonation of atomic bomb near Mount Seleya during the Time of Awakening.
A timeline from a Vulcan perspective
Detonation of atomic bomb near Mount Seleya during the Time of Awakening.
Earth successfully launch it's first space object. Vulcans where monitoring it.
The first Warp flight by Zefram Cochrane in the Phoenix. This noted by a Vulcan survey ship and they proceeded to make First Contact in Bozeman, Montana.
Vulcans sign treaty with Andorians claiming Weytahn, which they later renamed it Paan Mokar and surveillance satellite was in orbit in order to force the accord.
This is what became the First Contact between Humans and Andorians. This happened in the Pah’Jem monastery which is Vulcan religious site. This was believed (and later confirmed) to be a listen post. This hyped up tensions between Vulcans and Andorians. But one thing good came out of this, it was the beginning of the friendship of the captains, Archer and Shran.
New conflict on Weytahn which results in reclamation by the Andorian Empire after being deserted for nearly 60 years. Enterprise was able to mediate the dispute between Vulcans and Andorians
Vulcan Reformation begins in July. Vulcan leader Administrator T’Vlas claims to have proof that the Andorian were developing a super weapon based on Xindi technology and planned to invade Andoria to preempt the threat. Also T’Vlas attempted to destroy the Kir’Shara which contains many of Surak’s original writings lost for centuries since the TIME OF THE AWAKENING discovered by Captain Johnathan Archer while investigating the Syrranites on Vulcan. Syrran killed by electrical discharge from a sand fire storm and the Katra was transferred to Captain Johnathan Archer before his passing.
Federation officer, Commander Saru leads the USS Discovery on a mission that results in the end of the Federation-Klingon War
Federation starship USS Discovery makes first contact with the New Eden colony on the planet Terralysium which was a human colony originating from World War III and was a First Contact incident.
The Shakespearian troupe Karidian Company of Players, sponsored by the Galactic Cultural Exchange Project, begins its tour of official installations.
The USS Archer under command of Una Chin-Riley is tasked with making first contact with the Kiley.
The Starfleet fleet made a stand against the Borg and got wiped out.
Discovered by the crew of the redesignated Cardassian Space station to Deep Space Nine under the command of Cmdr Benjamin Sisko. DS9 was moved nearer to the stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.
At the Order of the Batleth Ceremony a Changeling was discovered in disguise as General Martock and then killed.
The Starfleet starship USS Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadarent after being lost in the Delta Quadarent.
Starfleet is in the process of resettling Romulans threatened by an impending supernova. This includes the settlement of refugees on Vashti.
This practically came to a grinding holt with the attack on Mars and the fleet that was being made there.
Compromised synthetics launch an attack on Mars, setting the planet ablaze and destroying the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards as well as a rescue armada which was under construction there and intended for Romulus.
Lured by the experience of a new lifeby the Speedwell a group of mixed species and world backgrounds. Go to make a colony in the Shackleton Expanse