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History of the Material Plane - timeline edition

Pre-Alyssian Times

... 4008 TBA

The time before the founding of the Alyssian empire. Surprisingly little is known about this time considering the immortality of the elves, all dates given here are approximate.

  • -4573 PAT

    The birth of Alyssa
    Life, Birth

    Alyssa, future founder and ruler of the elven empire, is born to a nomadic tribe of elven druids. Where the tribe was located and it's name has been lost to history.

The Green Age

4007 TBA 639 TBA

The glory days of the Alyssian empire, also known as the Alyssian age or the Age of Elves.

  • -4007 TGA

    The Founding of the Empire

    Alyssa, mother of elves, united a number of elven tribes into a single nation. They settled in the forests but soon began expanding.

  • -3946 TGA

    The Alyssian Empire
    Political event

    The nation of elves is formally declared an empire as it expands to cover the entire continent.

  • -1052 TGA

    -1043 TGA

    2 /12

    The First Rebellion

    The human Wolfram had preached for years that the empire was treating humans unfairly and favouring elves, and it finally culminated in the rebellion he wanted in the year 1052 TGA. The humans allied with demons, but were eventually defeated in -1042 when Alyssa took Wolfram's head.

  • -1042 TGA

    3 /5

    The Death of Alyssa
    Life, Death

    Alyssa dies of her wounds after years of conflict with Wolfram.

  • -1042 TGA

    4 /6

    The Crowning of Aria
    Political event

    Following the death of Alyssa, her daughter Aria is crowned as the emperor of the empire. To honor her late mother, she renamed the empire The Alyssian Empire, and the continent Alyssa.

The Black Age

638 TBA 0 TBA

The chaotic age after the fall of the Alyssian Empire.

  • -638 TBA

    4 /6

    The Fall of the Alyssian Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The second rebellion ends when Rhen invades The City of Alyssa. No one knows what happened inside the palace that day, but a magic explosion that shock the world originated in the castle. The elves lost their immortality, now hardly living longer than humans, and neither Aria nor Rhen emerged from the palace. Chaos decended and the city fell, the palace abonded. The empire had fallen.

The Third Age

0 TBA and beyond

The current age. It is known as the age of hope or the age of rediscovery, and is marked by the beginning of exploration into ruins of the Green Age and attempts to recover what was lost.