

The Faewyld is a parallel plane to the Prime Material Plane, and mirrors its geography, albeit in a more exaggerated and magical form. Mountains in the Faewyld stand taller, rivers flow clearer and faster, and flowers bloom brighter, creating a landscape that is both familiar and fantastical. Its geography is characterized by its beautiful natural landscapes and rich flora. Navigation in the Faewyld can be complex, as distances and time may not always behave as they do in the Prime Material Plane. The Faewyld also houses an echo of The World Below, characterized by its majestic and fantastic nature, with maze-like tunnels filled with exotic fungi. For example, there are caverns there that are the size of entire countries. The Faewyld also contains numerous smaller demi-planes, each created and ruled by an Archfey. These domains vary in size and are influenced by the power of their respective Archfey.

Localized Phenomena

A Wish Stone can only be found in the Faewyld, and is the solidified wish of a child in the universe.

Unique to the Faewyld are its energy motes known as Faewyld sparks, which are manifestations of the plane's raw magic that can be harnessed by knowledgeable individuals. The Faewyld also has a perpetual twilight atmosphere, differing from the day-night cycle of the Prime Material Plane and often supplemented by lanterns or luminescent creatures such as fireflies.

Furthermore, the intense emotions within the Faewyld can alter the landscape itself. During moments of great joy, sorrow, or rage, the surroundings can shift to mirror these emotions, creating a deeply reactive environment. The thin barrier with the Prime Material Plane can make special crossroads appear, facilitating travel between the two planes.

As for weather phenomena, the Faewyld experiences all the weather patterns seen in the Prime Material Plane but in a more dramatic fashion. Storms can be fiercer, rainbows more vibrant, and snowfalls more enchanting. These weather patterns can be influenced by the emotions of the plane's inhabitants or the will of powerful fey beings.

In certain regions, the Faewyld can attune to the most powerful nearby creature, altering the environment to reflect the creature's mood. This could result in a sudden storm if a dragon is angry, a gentle breeze and blooming flowers if a unicorn is content, or an unnerving silence if a powerful undead is nearby. This attunement is another unique phenomenon in the Faewyld.

Fauna & Flora

The Faewyld is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, much of which is infused with the plane's inherent magic. Fey creatures, such as pixies, satyrs, and sprites, are commonly found throughout the plane. These beings often embody the whimsical and capricious nature of the Faewyld, and their behaviors can significantly influence the local ecology.

The plant life in the Faewyld is lush and extraordinary, often bearing magical properties. Trees might bear luminescent fruit, flowers could sing haunting melodies, and mushrooms might glow with an ethereal light. These plants not only contribute to the Faewyld's unique beauty but also serve as a source of food and shelter for its inhabitants.

The plane's numerous bodies of water teem with fantastical aquatic life, from talking fish to serpentine creatures that glow with bioluminescence. Even the smallest pond could be home to a water sprite or a colony of magical frogs.

The local ecology of the Faewyld is a delicate balance of magic, nature, and emotion. The heightened emotions in the plane can trigger changes in the environment, which, in turn, affects its inhabitants. For instance, a fey's happiness could cause flowers to bloom out of season, which would then attract certain creatures and deter others. This constant interplay between the inhabitants and the environment creates an ever-changing, dynamic ecosystem.


The land of the Fae was not always present. When Creation began, the gods could never be certain of what would happen. The drive was to create, birth, and form, purpose was not yet present in these primordial days. Instead all of creation could find itself pushed against everything else. Chaos enjoyed it all, and flooded creation with magic, laying the weave of Ley Lines through the universe. So much that it ruptured the fabric of the Prime Material, overflowing until the Faewyld and the Umbral Realm took shape. In the beginning these places were traps for creatures that found themselves pulled in when the magic that kept these mirrored planes apart grew close together. When Order arrived and creation began to take recognizable shape, it was deemed necessary that these mirror planes have caretakers and to the Faewyld was born the Eladrin. Over much time the creatures that found themselves trapped in the Faewyld were changed, and the Eladrin changed with them. They became the Fae, wild chaotic tricksters and dealmakers that are the warnings of many tales around the universe.
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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