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Nubes Civitatem

Written by CoolG1319

This article is a WIP

What is this Place?

Welcome to Nubes Civitatem, the largest of the two towns present in Albis Nubila. This vibrant town is a major hotspot for festivals and celebrations, offering visitors a lively and festive atmosphere to enjoy. With its propensity for extravagance and excess, Nubes Civitatem is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a bombastic and memorable experience. Discover the magic of this town as you immerse yourself in its colourful festivals and vibrant celebrations.


The town’s symmetry exudes a sense of balance, with its majestic structures and affluent spaces fading gracefully into charming, lesser-known areas. The heart of the town boasts the spectacular Great Amphitheatre and thriving businesses, surrounded by opulent residences. Meanwhile, on the periphery, quaint buildings and cozy establishments offer a different kind of charm. Beneath it all, the rush of water flows, cascading over the edge of Albis Nubila in a breathtaking waterfall.
Nubes Civitatem

Party Town

Nubes Civitatem is home to The Great Amphitheatre, a magnificent venue that hosts a wide array of events, from thrilling gladiator battles to vibrant New Year celebrations and important announcements. Surrounding the amphitheatre are elaborate stalls offering a diverse selection of local and foreign snacks, drinks, clothing, and more.
  The town comes alive with grand festivities, with opulent parties hosted by the affluent members of the community. During special occasions like the New Year, the streets are transformed into a spectacle, adorned with lavish banquet tables laden with delectable delicacies and a fine selection of local and imported wines. Visitors and locals alike gather around these tables, engaging in conversation and indulging in the sumptuous offerings.
  Every day brings a wealth of entertainment, ensuring that there's never a dull moment in Nubes Civitatem!

Industry & Trade

Despite our strong tendency to host lively parties, we also boast a thriving trade structure. Iɱœvom, the largest and most successful diamond mining company in Caelumen, has a branch stationed right here, serving as a distributor to several other branches in various locations. This has brought in substantial revenue for our town, making it a key part of our local economy. And diamonds are not our only trade; we have so much more to offer!


  • Fine linen
  • Exotic fruits and spices
  • Chickens and goats


  • Diamonds
  • Gold, silver and sapphire
  • Local fruits and vegetables

We're thrilled to have you here in our amazing and vibrant town! We hope you have a fantastic time!

Quick Peek

Area: 11.3 sq. miles (29.3 sq. km)
  Population: 18,280 Angels of Light
  Location Type: Large Town
  Parent Location: Albis Nubila
  Government Type: Local/Religious government
  Famous for: Hosting parties, celebrations and events
Founding Date
0050 A.D.
Large town
18280 Angels of Light
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Related Professions

Famous Attractions!

Domum pro Pueris et Infantibus
Building / Landmark | Jul 17, 2024

Commissioned by the Head Nun of the Central Church to act as a safe residence for the souls of human babies and children who had died.


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