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Head Nun

Written by CoolG1319

I am Mother Mariam, Head Nun of The Central Church. Pleased to meet you!


One must have the following requirements to qualify for this prestigious title.

1. Be a Nun at The Central Church

If you are, you are already one step closer to obtaining this rank!

Throughout the organization's existence, workers, mainly bishops, questioned why only nuns could earn the title. It was, and still is, assumed that Mother Beatrice was biased against men due to a troubled marriage which ended after her husband left her for another woman.

2. Prove to be More Successful than the Last

This could be achieved by solving a problem the current Head Nun couldn't, creating innovations or technology that further improve Caelumen, or simply being more popular. Mother Dianne outdid her predecessor by introducing diamonds as a currency called iaspi. This move tremendously boosted Caelumen's economy and made her more prosperous than before.

Duties & Responsibilities

There is a lot to do...
— Mother Mariam
Duties and tasks include holding meetings with the leaders of the Councils, managing and safeguarding the organization's assets, monitoring trading activities, catering for Caelumen's army and many more. However, the majority of these aren't done by the Head Nun directly but rather, by subordinates and workers. So in truth, she does not do much.

That does not mean that the Head Nun is devoid of responsibilities, her main one is to ensure and maintain the purity and prosperity of Caelumen as well as oversee and control every activity transpiring in the world.


Their uniform comprises long flowing gowns or robes with long sleeves and tall, heeled boots. Their design differs depending on their race: Angels of Light sport white outfits adorned with gold and silver ribbons as well as sapphire and emerald buttons and cufflinks, Angels of Fire have bright red robes with copper and bronze ribbons in addition to ruby and amethyst buttons and cufflinks, Angels of Souls wear dark grey gowns decorated with iron ribbons and opal buttons and Angels of Water dress in ocean blue robes beautified with livaen ribbons and quartz buttons and cufflinks.

Due to their status, Head Nuns have the luxury of diamond adornments and bright, sharp colours.

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The Central Church 
Religious, Special
In effect
Around the birth of The Central Church
Form of Address
Mother, Supreme Mother
Alternative Naming
Mother Nun, Lead Nun
Length of Term
Throughout the holder's life until death, resignation or dismissal
Related Organizations


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Aug 18, 2024 06:14 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. I take it these Nuns are not Nuns as we know them in our world due to some of them having been married? Uncertain, but it definitely makes me more curious about your world!   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 18, 2024 10:57 by CoolG

That's correct though some do have traditional nun duties. Thanks so much for expressing interest and it would be really cool to have you feature this ^^

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